TRE mod


Donating Member
To those that have done this mod..... does the TRE actually make a difference?? What is the real benefit, can you really tell a difference in the throttle response? I am thinking of purchasing one and am wondering if there is a "BEST" part or are they pretty much all the same?

thanks for the input , JOE
what's a tre?
do I need on also?
To those that have done this mod..... does the TRE actually make a difference?? What is the real benefit, can you really tell a difference in the throttle response? I am thinking of purchasing one and am wondering if there is a "BEST" part or are they pretty much all the same?

thanks for the input ,  JOE
with a PC3R why would you need one?
oh wait go ahead buy one the economy is slowing down anyway



mmmmmmmmm, wait till JC see's another TRE post. The professional concensus is with your pcIII and a proper tune, it's only necessary if you want to see 187 mph. I just had a full Micron installed with pcIIIR and had dyno's with and without Ivan's TRE. Actually lost 2HP with TRE installed, so took it off. I do have some slight surging now, so maybe need a better mapping, but doubt that I will ever see the 186 mark to need the derestriction. Plus I have yet to do the air box mod, so I'll hold off on remapping till then.

OK JC, did I get it right?
mmmmmmmmm, wait till JC see's another TRE post.  The professional concensus is with your pcIII and a proper tune, it's only necessary if you want to see 187 mph.  I just had a full Micron installed with pcIIIR and had dyno's with and without Ivan's TRE.  Actually lost 2HP with TRE installed, so took it off.  I do have some slight surging now, so maybe need a better mapping, but doubt that I will ever see the 186 mark to need the derestriction.  Plus I have yet to do the air box mod, so I'll hold off on remapping till then.

OK JC, did I get it right?
EXACTLY what i was looking for, easy to answer the question sensibly huh? thanks bro, you are the man......

CHEEZE: yes i have the pc3r and have a pretty good map map.... and i dont have any dead spots in the fuel curve , it has very smooth acceleration all the way through 1-3 gears, i was just checking (besides the speed cut) if it helped ANY to have it. c'mon man, im not totally ignorant  

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Well, for us 16-bit-ers (99-01), the 2 cent resistor does help. Cost beats the $450+ Yosh EMS alternative.