Triple Tree Stand


Gents, WTH are we missing here?

We couldn't get the front stand to work yesterday...the pin that goes into the tree snapped off when we tried to lift it.

Today we looked at it again. I can't for the life of me figure out how the pin could stay in the hole, the adapter straight, and the front lift!

We tried every which way and you can see that as soon as you try to lift, the pin would bend forward in the tree...hence why it snapped.

What are we doing wrong?

T Rex stand btw...

I'm not familiar with T-Rex stands but I presume you have the correct pin? The stand wheels are able to roll freely or the bike able to move forward on the rear stand while your lifting the front? Mine will pull the bike forward a few inches as it's coming up on the stand.
Trying for a little more background info on what's taking place when your lifting it.
It's on the rear stand. I can pull the front stand forward/back as much as I want on its wheels. The problem is, is that when I go to lift, there's no way the pin would stay seated inside. It will always have pressure on it, hence the snapping yesterday.