Trump assassination attempt

Yes really. Were you paying attention when Trump bragged about grabbing women by the genitals? He is disliked by those that dislike him because of who he is. Regardless, who is calling for physical violence against him?
Whatever theme you're picking up in Canada, Americans tend not to like people that dishonor females. Just yesterday at a speech in Pennsylvania he told women not to worry, that he would "take care of them" and that they "wouldn't have to think about abortion" anymore.. He might as well have said "don't worry your pretty little heads, men will protect you", a typically sexist Trump sentiment. His campaign people, forever trying to fix his gaffes, tried to put a bandaid on it, saying he was referring to assaults by criminals and illegal aliens on women. This from a man that was recently found liable by a court for assault on a woman.

Next time you post, do a little reading first. That man, and I use the term loosely, has been without any class or humility for decades, well before entering politics.

By the way, 4 years ago we were in the throws of a terrible pandemic. Although we still feel some of the effects, yes, I am MUCH better off. It's not even close.
Get over it. I can guarantee you've said same or worse when you thought you WERENT being recorded.
Personally I LOVE GRABBIN ME SOME........
Get over it. I can guarantee you've said same or worse when you thought you WERENT being recorded.
Personally I LOVE GRABBIN ME SOME........
You know as well as I do that comment was not about being attracted to women. In context, It was about power, being rich and famous and doing what he wants, demeaning women was just frosting on the cake for him. He is a braggart and and an ahole and that was an interview, he knew he was being recorded. Regardless, no, I have never thought like that and hope you’re just being your crazy, silly Blanca self again.
The guy is a train wreck. If I was writing an estimate on him, I would consider him a total loss. Defend him all you want. He gives me more material almost every day.
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You know as well as I do that comment was not about being attracted to women. In context, It was about power, being rich and famous and doing what he wants, demeaning women was just frosting on the cake for him. He is a braggart and and an ahole and that was an interview, he knew he was being recorded. Regardless, no, I have never thought like that and hope you’re just being your crazy, silly Blanca self again.
The guy is a train wreck. If I was writing an estimate on him, I would consider him a total loss. Defend him all you want. He gives me more material almost every day.
Perhaps you'd like to talk about Bill Clinton and him being names along with Prince Andrew in court documents involving Jeffery Epstein and his pedo island. Perhaps you'd like to talk about the other high ranking politicians and Hollywood elite that frequented the island regularly.

BUT, I'm sure you believe Jeffery killed himself too right? OF COURSE YOU DO.

Perhaps you'd like to talk about the Clinton's and how they were broke when taking office, and now worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
Perhaps you'd like to discuss Hillary's arms deal with Saudi Arabia totalling $8 billion, and the subsequent "donations" made by Saudi Arabia to the Clinton foundation afterwards of $10 million.

Perhaps you'd like to discuss Obama selling out to the drug companies, for them committing $150,000 to his political campaign.

BUT, Trump bashers don't like to discuss this stuff like this.........................ONLY what Trump does, and disregard the rest as "normal" or "acceptable" political procedures and NOTHING to be worried about.

Like it or not, they are ALL crooks the dems and the deep state are better at hiding it.................At least Trump removed red tape, and let the American economy roar and start rebuilding, growing, and creating more jobs. All the Dems want to do is ADD red tape to stifle growth to push citizens into relying on the ever incompetent government to further enslave them in ever low paying jobs to maximize tax collection.

You know as well as I do that comment was not about being attracted to women. In context, It was about power, being rich and famous and doing what he wants, demeaning women was just frosting on the cake for him. He is a braggart and and an ahole and that was an interview, he knew he was being recorded. Regardless, no, I have never thought like that and hope you’re just being your crazy, silly Blanca self again.
The guy is a train wreck. If I was writing an estimate on him, I would consider him a total loss. Defend him all you want. He gives me more material almost every day.
He IS like every other person I've met from NYC, an arrogant ass. But at least we know exactly what he is. Kamala is a chameleon and the people pushing her are even worse. It was the democrats themselves who lauded her as the first Indian senator ever! Now they are the ones playing the race game. Trump simply pointed it out and it's the messengers fault.
She was Indian and it served them and now she's black because they are playing on simple minds who don't even remember just a few years ago. Pitiful.