Tuning & Exhausts


Hi all,
hope this is the right area for this.

Just a simple question,

I have a stock 2000 Busa,
it came with staintune cans on the bike and stock cans in a box..
When riding i noticed when i accelerate the engine is kind of hesitant in the lower RPM range, but has a really peaky high end,
And really nasty fuel economy...
So i swapped the staintune over for the stock cans.. now the bike runs smooth all the way through the RPM and the fuel economy is much greater etc.. but i miss the mean bad-boy growl she had,
so to the point,

Do i need to get the bikes computer tweaked/tuned for the staintune cans, so that it runs properly ??
Maybe dyno-tuning? does it cost much? i currently have over AU$1000 in clutch parts on order so funding is kinda bad at the moment lol..
I have no Mechanical/tuning knowledge.
So a plug-in computer tweaker thingy is no good for me. LOL

Any help would be great cheers Steve.
Check and see if the Staintune cans have a baffle in them. With out a baffle the bike won't run right at low Rpms. But will scream at higher rpms. Also if you go with the staintune cans you should use a K&N airfilter or other after market airfilters that add more air flow. Then have it dyno'ed. You do not need a power comander to do this. around Kc, Mo it is worth about 175.00.
If you're changing exhaust and air filter on the Gen I you will more than likely have to add a PC to achieve proper air fuel ratios.
A power comanderis nice if you have the know how to use them, but yea don't have to have one. They can dyno it with out one. Your choice though. If you have it dyno'ed be some one who knows whats up with it \, your bike should runn at its best as is. But if your into tweeking things go for it. lol
Hi all, thanks for your replies, also 1 more thing.. ever since i put the stock cans back on the bike, it has started blowing white smoke until its reached operating temperatures, is this normal? like some kind of pollution gear in them maybe lol? or i messed up the tune of the bike by swapping pipes over...?
Cheers Steve.