Two filthy valves.


Hey Everyone,

I've got my '06 in pieces to shim the valves. (Thanks to Jinkster for the excellent threads on the subject!)

After I pulled the throttle body, I noticed that the far left & far right (#1 & #8 I guess) intake valves are just filthy. The others 6 look perfect.


I also noticed that the #1 and #4 throttle bodies have 2 little vacuum line ports instead of just 1 like the others. Do these have to do with the PAIR system? (It's not been removed) Could the PAIR valve be introducing crap into my beloved engine??? Should I just junk the PAIR valve while the bike is apart? I don't think I'd miss it.

The bike is incredibly stock. 20,000 miles. Used to commute, play, and tour. Not abused. Mobil-1 every 3K.

I would really appreciate any useful advice, and will also welcome any witty smartassery.

Thanks in advance, Jesse.

Another pic, just because I like this one!


Not a wild guess?........

Not even a poorly worded insult?........

What's the problem, is everyone spending time with their family or something??? :peoples:
Don't know about the dirty valves, however, junk the PAIR system and fit four blanking plates. :thumbsup:

Best regards Stretch :beerchug:
None, but don't forget you need to aquire the Blanks :thumbsup:

Best regards Stretch
PS you could convert the old system into a set of Bag Pipes :laugh::laugh:
Removed the PAIR last night. What a P.I.T.A! I also ordered some nice aluminum block off plates :laugh:

Goodbye 2 pounds of complicated crap, spaghetti hoses, etc.

I hoped someone would've come through for you on the valve deposits. Kinda weird it's only on the outside ones and it sure looks like oil deposits which I think would be seals. But why only the outside valves? I don't know enough in the design to come up with an answer. Sure got me curious.
I thought it was funny that the deposits were just on the outer-most valves. Since the PAIR valve is gone now, I'll get some Redline fuel cleaner and look at them again next time. That's the best idea I have so far.
Still waiting on block-off plates.

And found out my shims were too small.

At least the weather sucks, or I'd be literally losing my mind.
At least the weather sucks, or I'd be literally losing my mind.

That's why it's kinda nice to have seasons. Down here it only lasts for a few days here and there and you hate having the bike down. Thats's why I have two!:laugh:
I have messed with stuff and it looks like to me that you might be lean on those two cylinders. When a motor is lean it builds up crud, when it is rich it cleans crud off. This is oposite of spark plugs. They get gunked up rich and cleaner when lean. It could very well be the pair system, but I don't have any experience with it. The valves look like they have gotten hot and baked a black crud on them. A cooler valve with a lot of fresh gas/air running across it will stay nice and clean. Oh well..... All you can do it ride it till something happens!
Well the valves are all shimmed and I'm hoping to get my poor bike back together.

BUT....... The damn cams slipped on the sprockets when I had the chain loosened up.:banghead::banghead::banghead:

I have a pic of what they are supposed to look like when they are in the correct position. My question is, "How am I supposed to turn the cams to get them where they need to go???" It's pretty tight in there, and I'm not seeing a good place to grip them with pliers or anything.

If anyone has a trick for how to do this, I'd LOVE to hear it!!!:please:
