Uh Ohhhhh....


Donating Member
Well we woke up this morning, GJoker jumps in the shower, and is hearing this "Mew, mew, mew..." he looks out the bathroom window.. and there's a kitten. He wakes me up to check it out. I go out to get it, cuz it can't stay out there when I let the dogs out, we have a 6 foot privacy fence and they would probably kill it.

So I bring it in, we are loving on it, it's "prrrrr Prrrr PRrrrr PPPRRRRR" ing. I go get to get Justice's big crate set up so it can stay in there for the day, as we have nothing for litter or a litter box.

I go back into the bedroom, and Greg says "Her name is SUZI with a Z. And I think she likes me."

Well, he named it, now we have to keep it!!

But now he claims that I set him up. Supposedly as he was in the shower, I ran outside, planted the kitten under the bathroom window, ran back in, jumped back in bed and faked being asleep!!

But I think what REALLY happened is she climbed a tree that is outside our fence, and fell off a limb that hangs over into our yard. As we have no gate on our fence.

Sooooo, everyone ready to meet SUZI??


Looks like the left side cooked too long.

I feel my allergies acting up just looking at her. (grabbing my inhaler)
If I ever get a cat, it'll very likely be a calico just like that.

Don't think the dogs will appreciate Suzi!!!! She will need all 9 of those lives!!!! anyway, cool looking cat
How could you NOT keep a cool looking kitten like that! I'm sure we would be tempted to keep a kitten like that. And we have allergies.

As for the dogs, if you are pack leader then you can teach them to accept the cat as part of your pack.

Good Luck!

very cool of you to give him a home.

We saved on from the SPCA her name is Taco.

Yep, I remember when this one found us, outside, in the rain, about 6 weeks old- her name is Gizmo cause she looks like a Gremlin with all the antennae sticking out all over!

Cali's are neurotic as hell but irresistable- this one is Daddy's cat, tolerates the rest of the family but follows me everywhere and mews piteously when I shut her out of a room!

I had a Calico with that pattern. Very pretty, very affectionate.

Enjoy your new friendship. Mine liked to headbutt things.
cool kitty, woder how old she is. so thats the rule? if you the stray gets named before you can kick it out it automatically gets a bed
Cute kitty!!! I am extremely allergic to cats and yet we have three... You actually get used to each cat and the allergies go away...
I can't stand cats. Maybe it is from growing up on a farm that had about 20 of them and about 5 more every 3 months.
I've never been a cat person myself~ This one did literally adopt us though~ It has even attached itself to me, just like Shibumi descibes his cat did~
I know it sounds crazy... but then who's to say I'm not... but just this morning I started thinking maybe it's the reincarnation of our dog, Jerimia, that just past on about 10 weeks ago~ I mean.. it's appears to be right around ten weeks old... it's attached to me when I don't do cats.. and it is a very loving and affectionate critter... like it has known us all it's life~ I guess if one was to believe in this sort of thing... it very well could be~
Otherwise... I think I was set up! I was played! Brenda put this cat outside the window as I was showering and suckered me right in! Sometimes it's really a pita to be so kind hearted...  
If any of you socal folks want a kitty, hit me up. I work with angel wings cat rescue
I grew up a dog person, but most of these cats are cool as heck (have 2 dogs too)