Super surprise last night...
I reached out a little over a week ago to someone that I was pretty confident had a connection to Jerry. That gentleman reached out to me and said yep, I knew him. He said everyone around that time in that area knew "Red". He gave me a name of another soldier that had missions with Jerry and said he had already made contact with him and I should email him. I sent a long detailed email to that contact and I will be danged if he didn't respond via email the same day. He asked for my phone number and said he would call me on the next day.
I got a call from a radio operator in the same unit my uncle was in for a short time last night, a day early! He couldn't wait........ He said he had just one other direct mission with Jerry outside of the one he was killed, but he was there. He gave me some incredible insights on March 16th. You can read about that firefight and get an idea but to hear him talk and tell his story was a lot for me to take in. We knew all the tactical details about that day, we have the maps, the hindsight of what occurred and we've heard from Alfred V. Rascon on his experience from the recordings when he got the CMH but to have a conversation with a guy that knew Jerry and was there, overwhelming to have that opportunity.
The man I spoke with was 79 now, has a SUPER HEAVY New Jersey accent but now lives in Florida, go figure

, he was so welcoming and appreciative for what we are doing and so willing to share and answer questions it just took me by surprise. He told me that my letter was making it's rounds to "All the fellas" which almost made me cry, apparently that platoon of recon and commo teams still have reunions and communicate.
When I told him that we didn't know anything about Rascon or the details of the firefight, Operation Silver City or any of it until very just a few weeks ago he was shocked. I told him that for the past 60 years we have been in the dark but the light is coming and the sun is rising and the truth is revealing itself.
I think in all of this what is personally bothering me the most, in my own home I have had a 29 x 37 shadow box that was built so many years ago that my mother had made. She used the information she had at the time but the patches are wrong, medals are incomplete and the story is just wrong and that for me is just unacceptable and as his namesake I just have to fix this. His name, his memory, his service, his family will not forget who he was and what he did for us.
It's getting really good, thank you all for the input, guidance, PM's and public information you have been providing. You guys in the military are invaluable. You just understand the lingo and what is normal for you is like talking to a woman for me ( YOU HAVE TO GET THAT COMPARISON ).
More to come...