Undertail Install Help?? Artfibra's


Donating Member
just got my new undertail, great piece, but mounting to the frame I have a problem, the middle bar (just behind the fuel injection unit) touches and does not allow me to drill the holes without bending the entire unit, which since it is fiberglass and thick, I don't think that is a good idea.

Anyone have this issue?

I was going to either put am extension piece on the back to give me the 1/2" I need, or spacers on the front mount.

The other option is to grind out some material where it touches the bar.

Any idea's??

Thanks in advance

<a href="http://www.artfibras.com.br/webforms/fotosmotolista.aspx?Titulo=Suzuki%20HAYABUSA&Dir=../motos/31/p/&Descricao=Eliminador%20%20P.%20Lama%20c/%20lanterna%20embutida%20ou%20dupla

%20P.%20Lama%20Traseiro" target="_blank">http://www.artfibras.com.br/webform....raseiro</a>
I just deleted your other two identical posts that were in different forums. I thought the modification forum was the best one for this.
Extensions for the back is the deal.. Thats what i did..

Thanks for the tip, I like that idea as well, I was thinking since the top lines up perfect that the bottom rear should be lower (if not, without the rear spacers the undertail will be pulling up/putting pressure all the time.

How long did you make the spacers? I was thinking making the hole about 1/2" above the fiberglass.

P.S. Yours looks great!! Can't wait to see the "factory look" results!