man... that bike grab is just what I need!! I'm ordering it 1st thing in the a.m.I bought a bike-grab from
I pull the front into the bike-grab and lift the rear from there. It is much more secure that way. I don't think I'd do it without help. When I had my 929 it wasn't a problem but there was 100# less also.
I do it exactly the same way.I'm standing sort of at the left rear of the bike facing the seat with the kick-stand down. I then line up the bike-stand so that the notches in the stand are up against the spools. Then, lean the bike up-right. Grab the grab-rail with your left-hand, then with your right-hand, slowly push down on the bike-stand. Will come right up. Once you've done it two or three times, it will be easy.
you said you wouldn't use it alone..." like they show on the webYes the bike grab goes in just fine. Nothing touches, or is even realy close. You can also use it as a bike chok when you are transporting the bike. I wouldn't use it alone to sit the bike in, like they show in the adds. But it does do a great job on keeping the bike steady for other things.
What he said........But I have to sit on the bike and have my wife get the stand off and on........I don't have the one arm pit bull....I got my crappy stand from works though.......just takes two people.You can do it by yourself, but I usually have someone sit on the bike just to give me a warm fuzzy.
If you do it by yourself - kickstand down, one hand on the bike and the other on the stand, move very slowly. After you do it a few times it won't be as scary...