Vaccuum Hosebw1


I took off my airbox to put in new plugs and clean out my k&n air filter and putting everything back I have everything where it needs to be, minus 1 vacuum hose that I can't find where it goes for the life of me
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That was weird, edited it a bit. (havent done any html in a few years) =/
Ok for some stupid reason clicking on it doesn't work but the thumbnail does. It's basically the one hose right in the middle of #2 and #3 intakes.
There we go, that hose right there, its too good for its home apparently and I can't find where it needs to be
Ah f$**, somehow the plastic broke. Looks like i'll have to shell out some cash for a new one
thanks tho!
I swear your throttle bodies are on backwards. Those hoses are usually mounted on the back side of the TB's.

Hm maybe you're thinking the picture is from the rear forward. I'm standing in front of the bike looking back if that makes sense.
image shack hosted the first one but they suck so I went with photobucket. I ended up using a soldering iron to melt a part of it in place then epoxy'd around it, works fine now hope it doesn't fall off from going too fast!