Velocity Stage 1 map wanted - Gen II


I believe that, following a mix up, the map supplied with my Stage 1 kit may be for the earlier models, I contacted Velocity but they have not come back to me yet and I am looking to run the bike up this weekend.

Does anyone have the Power Commander map for the 2008 Stage 1 Velocity kit they can email me please. I can then compare it with the map I have, or just use the 2008 one. :thumbsup:

the best thing to do is go get it tuned on a dyno. the map you get from power commander or a map they send is a really safe tune. so be patient and get it dyno and you wont regret it but make sure you take it to someone who knows what they are doing
I have it booked in for dyno with a reputable and experienced turbo tuner. I need to run tjd bike up a few times before going to the dyno. I want to check everything over to make sure I have no leaks etc. Is it safe to run the bike up on the brocks map that I have in there? I would have prefered the safe velocity one. Thanks for the advice.
Iono if i would do that because of a/f ratio and the mapping for the fuel. If it's to lean you will burn a piston or something else.
Still no reply from Velocity and their website appears to be down, all I get is that the site is "under construction".

If someone has the 2008 stage 1 PC map please email it to me, I promise I won't do anything wreckless with it. I need to run the bike on idle to check for leaks before dynoing. I also want to compare maps before and after dyno. I will take full responsibility for my actions. :-)

the map they supplied is definately from the earlier model so I'm not going to use that.
you can start and idle a turbo bike without a map in it, there likely isn't much of anything being done at idle on the tuning side of things
Hey sorry to bother you, but is it possible you can email me the map for the gen 1 stage 1 velocity kit? i have a gen 1 busa stage 1 kit and no map, and bike is running bad, i also have a dyno appointment but need something to make it run decent for now. my e-mail is : thanks