Veteran's Day 2016


Jumps from perfectly good Airplanes
Donating Member
On Memorial Day, we remember those who didn't make it...on Veteran's Day, we remember those who did.

I'd like to wish my fellow Service members and Veterans a great day today. Things that I am reminded of that only you will understand:

- Breaking starch
- Meals, Ready to Eat (not really)
- The Sun coming up to warm my face halfway through our PT run...
- Jody Calls
- A Sergeant Major who makes cursing an art form
- never-ending staff meetings
- the 'magic' and 'curse' of powerpoint
- Eggs, Powdered
- the chin up bar in the chow line
- Fast-rope
- A turbine engine starter firing
- Reveille
- A snappy salute
- Hurry up and wait
- police call
- no privacy whatsoever trying to take a dump
- floor buffer
- signing that dotted line, for everything including your life
- Kiwi, spit and cotton balls
- Cordite, Diesel, Jet A and JP4
- Tracers
- Doing something bigger than yourself
- Weapons cleaning
- Those tiny bottles of Tabasco
- Cattle cars
- Mud, lots of mud
- Poncho Hooch
- Gorilla PT
- Mail call
- Checking/Changing Track
- OD Green or Coyote Brown EVERYTHING
- Lint remover
- gate guards
- Puking after PT because you give it your ALL.
- formations
- "Mandatory Training" (uggh)
- Training schedules
- Baby Wipes
- Taps (that beautiful, simple bugle playing)
- SoS
- Safety Briefs
- Tanker Boots
- Coffee - everywhere, all the time, 24/7
- Correspondence Courses
- Million-dollar minute
- Marching
- The NCO club
- blood badges
- reunions

And, lastly
- That feeling of brotherhood forged in mutual blood, fear, sweat and tears, that transcended all races, creeds, religions, sexes, monetary status, and politics that lasts for the ages for which there is NO comparison in the civilian world...

I'm honored to have been lucky enough to be part of it with you

Please add yours

Thank you for your service!!

I'm one of the lucky ones Vabs...I never saw, in 26 years, a shot fired in anger. I got a lot more out of it than it ever cost me: A second profession, training, leadership experience, camaraderie, and a host of other things that would be difficult to explain in a post. Others weren't so lucky. It's them that I personally like to honor.
I'm one of the lucky ones Vabs...I never saw, in 26 years, a shot fired in anger. I got a lot more out of it than it ever cost me: A second profession, training, leadership experience, camaraderie, and a host of other things that would be difficult to explain in a post. Others weren't so lucky. It's them that I personally like to honor.

I still thank and appreciate all that serve. You don't know what that decision means until you've completed your time in and that time is full of sacrifices. Coming from a family having so many that served, some made it, some did not, I know that everyone deserves respect for making the decision.