VHT Nightshade video


This is done on car and not a busa but it shows just how easy it is to tint tail and turn lights which can be very helpful to those looking to do it on their bikes. Very affordable and simple. Under $20 for this mod. It is a 2 part video.

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It is cool looking and all but I'd prefer to be as visible as possible on a bike. It is a great alternative to buying a new light housing.
I always shot mine with Urethane clear coat like you use on your car. Makes it shiny again, caue the NS is dull.

Some people said they sprayed it on the inside of the lens, but i never saw how it looked
Definetely must be seen on a bike. The guy in the video does 3 coats of nightshade. Perhaps for looks 1 or 2 would be great on a busa. Not too dark but looking cool.
I have used this product several times,and its a really good product..the more coats the darker it will be..but the more coats u put on u lose visibility..make sure your coats are evenly sprayed on, it there not when your lights are on u can see the difference...

make sure your coats are evenly sprayed on, it there not when your lights are on u can see the difference..

And just an FYI, if you do end up with a blotchy or uneven look you can use lacquer thinner and clean this off without hazing up the lenses or turning them white as it would a windscreen. I have tinted lenses before and then changed mind later and taken tint off and returned them to stock appearance before and you couldn't tell. I will say it is a very versatile and easy to use product. Well for lenses anyhow, but to try and get even on something like a windscreen which you look thru is a lot more difficult.
Is a cool video! Thanks for sharig. Anyone have any pix or video of theirs on their bike running at night?
I recently used this on every light on my busa, even the headlight... i thought i went a little overboard :laugh: but i like the results.



to get an even almost factory look u can add just a small amount of black basecoat into a clearcoat. then ever coat of clear u add it gets darker. i do this to cars all the time and looks factory. no blochyness like rattle can
I did this on my truck about a year ago and it did not turn out the way his did. I'm not sure what I did different but mine are not glossy in the slightest.