waiting by the compter


Just out of curiosity how many out there leave their computers on and check it every 30 seconds or so to read the new posts. I know i do. Am i the only sick person out in cyberspace, hehe...................
Don't feel bad....I'm just as sick as you!I'm completely hooked on this bike & this site!My web-tv has transformed into 'BUSA-tv!It doesn't really know anything else anymore.
After the spanking ole Jamie got on his post, I'll be reading more often. I enjoyed the hell out of that! Better than TV.
Yes that was fun wasnt it. I dont like to start poop but i love to finish it.................................Its kinda like a challenge. Why should we let sugarbritches come here and ruin our fun..so in keeping with fun i nail them back. Of course i have some great help and its kinda inspiring..............