waiting by the compter


Just out of curiosity how many out there leave their computers on and check it every 30 seconds or so to read the new posts. I know i do. Am i the only sick person out in cyberspace, hehe...................

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 15 August 1999).]
Vegas, I don't know about every 30 seconds but I'm never too far away. It helps that computers are my profession and I'm surrounded by several at work and have a few at home too - so I'm never too far away but anything Hayabusa related is my current obsession. If I'm not checking Busa related material on the net then I must be riding! :)
Only if there is somebody bashing the Busa, and it is raining.

Next,I want to form the Busa Bashers Posse!

So as to kick the poop out of those Kawpokes who run off at the mouth spewing Kawshit.

Yee Haa!

Let's hope the new Marshall FalconCop161 doesn't mind our vigilante ways.

Yee Haa!
Oh yeah, it's raining. Its been raining for days. :(

Do you know what we do with Busa rustlers?

We shoot them full of holes!

Yee Haa!

(I really need the sun to shine)
You better keep an eye on it Dirty Pete - it seems to be a progressive disorder and really gets in your blood. Some days while at work I have each different forum (General Disc, Mods etc) on a separate computers/monitors so I don't have to switch back and forth. Also, the faster you go the worse is gets.
hey dirty pete, i take offense to your ramblings about we are all ...... i am not predominantly mature! so stop that! ya hear?
tee hee. just kidding. enjoyed the post.
Vegasdude. I've got the sickness too. I check once a day religiously. I have a favorites icon setup on both my work and home machine. I have learned a lot from you guys and ladies. I bypass the threads where there's a lot of wining.

Also I'm amazed how much we all have in common besides an interest in the Bus.

[This message has been edited by Lyle (edited 16 August 1999).]
I don't have a busa, but a friend of mine does,he doesn't have a truck, but i do, hint hint hiabuser.I was thinking of going this coming year, and would love to get a group together, sounds like a blast, except for the alligators...LOL,keep us updated if anyone else plans to go

Yeah, me too. The scary thing is that we are getting paid to do this. I travel a lot, so every night--back to the hotel and sign on the Hayabusa.org. I used to to the same thing to the R1 forum, so it is not a recent illness.
LYLE et al: Why SHOULD we have anything in common?

We're virtually all speed freaks, male, predominantly mature, highly experienced on motorcycles, computer savvy and net wired, non-conformist, employed, mechanically oriented, headstrong, curious, competitive, articulate, co-operative, willing to plunk down cash on a machine that's never been ridden by anyone before, and anxious to waste vast amounts of non-rideable time kibbitzing about bikes with people we'll probably never meet in person instead of making love to our wives or doing our jobs.

Does this demographic/psychographic description fit the average motorcycle rider?

I think not.

It would be excellent if some of us could meet in person on the bikes, though. Since a ride-in Hayabusa Owners Group Convention in Minneapolis is probable a non-starter, we could agree to have those of us who intend to attend a major bike event, such as Daytona Bike Week, meet at a certain place in Daytona, on our Busas, within a certain window of time.

I'm intending to stick my bike in a trailer (from Toronto) with a bunch of buddies who take their bikes to this "Motorcycle Mecca" every year. Excellent racing. Good down & dirty partying.

Anyone else going?

Even if only 4 or 5 of the currently registered 331 members of this Owner's Group connected, it would make for one interesting day of riding together in Florida! I know of a good alligator wrestling place in the Everglades we could ride out to. Just don't go flying off a corner into the weeds on the way out there or YOU'LL be the one wrestling the alligators.

If anyone likes the idea, I'll set up a forum and help people make the arrangements.
Dirt Pete nailed the profile. I have about 10 sites I like to check when I'm online. I'm the Network Admin here at work so I got bandwidth for days... Thank God I have that 24 port 100 Base-T hub with a dedicated connection to the external web server under my desk... (now to get a larger desk to accommodate more PC's on it for Network Monitoring purposes!!!!)
emattson, replace your hub with a switch so you won't loose bandwidth...lol, what type of web server are you using?We're using a webramp with a dedicated T-1 line.Man this stuff is great, isn't it? Yep, you've gotta have a bigger desk to monitor your network,well thats what you tell the boss anyway, lol. have a good one
Hey Tommy,
We are using IIS (currently only running an Intranet here). Since I am the only one with access to the outbound NIC for this particular T1 (And I wanted to "try" the hub, I thought what the hell)... But I can't stand to be losin' bandwidth!!! Damn... almost takes 30 seconds to download 6 MEG AVI's!!!!! Can't hardly stand the wait. Now I have to get that fiber optic T3 req approved.
Gixerbike & Emattson:

I have a shiny new iMac.

There. Put you guys in your place!

Geez...what language are you guys talking?

Don't answer that.