Warnings to cagers!


Your Disease.....
Donating Member
I'm just wondering what you all do when you encounter a CLOSE CALL with a car that ALMOST hit you....

I always do this...

I POINT AT THEM TO GET THEIR ATTENTION AND THEN I POINT AT MY HEAD/HELMET (the thinking point!!!) to simply tell them to think/watch while driving. Of course they can't hear my four letter words during all this... so that's the best I can do.

I've ridden in small towns, big cities, and even the biggest cities....... drivers still don't pay attention when they need to get over another lane to make an exit or turn (and that's the most dangerous place to be for a bike)....

Another dangerous spot is when you are going to make a turn.... you just hope the car behind you can see your turn signals OR sees you slowing down for some reason or another!!!

Hell. Riding in some sections of our cities in the great USA is pretty dangerous...... stay safe (if that's possible).
just follow them and then kick their butt

i have close calls all the time i just blow it off and keep going cause that is one thing i remember from when i took my MSF class they said people look beyond motorcycles

but when it comes to stopping ALWAYS keep an eye on the car behind you and i know when i stop i get a nice distance between me and the car in front of me that way if i have to move up i can so i dont get hit or i just move all the way to the left or right so i am out of harms way..

BUT you know never put your bike in neutral and sit back and relax cause that just means you are waitting to get hit  always stay in first/second (your preference) hand on clutch and you cant go wrong

PLUS try to get eye contact with any surrounding vehicles so they know you are there, what i mean there is look for their face and make sure they see you, i do it all the time even if i am on the side of a cager i will look at them till they i know they get a good look at me and know my presents.
In addition to keeping an eye on the cars coming up behind you, keep an escape in mind. Stay over to the left if there is enough space to shoot into it if you need to do so. Stay to the right and be ready to shoot the gap between cars if necessary and if there is insufficient space on the left.

Same thing with riding out there on the freeways and roads. Keep an escape plan handy. If you know the area and the roads, be aware of where cars might come across the center line at you, etc.

Make your "presence" as big as possible. You don't have to weave back and forth across the lane like a drunken fool (you'll be pulled over for that!) but you can move around in the lane so that cars in front of and behind you can all see you more easily.

Don't ride next to a car, even in your own lane. Cagers often change lanes without warning, as we all know. Bastids. If you are behind the line of their rear bumper or in front of the line of their front bumper, at least you won't get tagged from the side without warning and you may have just another split second to do something about it if you're randomly assaulted in this way. If you're passing another vehicle, get past 'em. Don't dilly-dally. Avoid riding in a cager's blind spot at all costs. Look for the driver's face in their mirror. If you can't see their face, they probably can't see you, either.

When I follow cars, I stay on the left side of the lane to be sure my headlight is in their left side view mirror. I'll move gently in and out of that spot, going from left to center and back again over long periods of time. You're a LOT more visible if you keep moving side to side like this.

Ride with others. Two bikes or more can really amplify the size of your presence.

Undertails are beautiful pieces of custom design but some of them are made in such a way as to severely reduce the intensity and visibility of brake lights and signal lights. If you have such an undertail, don't deceive yourself about it and keep the visibility issue in mind. In any case, use the brakes at least a little bit when you're stopping just to let people know you're there.

Just a few of the several things I focus on when riding.

Ride safe. Keep 'em upright!

I try to position myself so I can be seen.A car turning left in front me,always move in my lane and back off the throttle.Now I do it without thinking about it.Always have your brights on during the day.Sitting at a stop light,flash your brake lights when someone coming up from behind.
  When a cager looks in his mirror right at you,and cuts you off anyway,just to be a pr!ck...........The rest is up to you........opinions will vary
This entire subject would be made completely pointless by the invention of a RAY GUN...when I get mine, I'm owning the left lane
I usually pull up beside them, whip out my 9mm and put 2 bullet holes in the dash or seat beside them and yell " That was a pretty F'n close call for you too wasn't it a$$hole!!"

Seriously though, I pull up beside them, look over and shake my head at them as I ride by...........Not worth doing much more than that.
I always give a wide berth. I travel 10mph up when possible and try not to interact with stupid cagers. There is no shortage of them.

And I try to keep a constant drip of coffee going at all times to fend off bad moods!