Watch the road *surface*, too!



Almost went down tonight on the 'Busa. Was riding very sanely in heavy urban traffic on a major artery with stop lights every 1/4 mile or so. I'm watching the cars when the light ahead turns red. I squeeze the breaks, and all of a sudden I'm skating! The rear end is trying to change places with the front, I'm up on the pegs shifting my ass around like I'm on an enduro, so I'm instantly off the breaks. Out into the intersection go I! Luckly, the cross traffic left-turn arrow is what's green, so I have room to maneuver. It is at this point I notice that some jerk has dropped several QUARTS of dirty, black, nearly-invisible-on-blacktop oil at the intersection.

Be careful out there, guys. Sometimes, they really *ARE* out to get you!
In the neighboring town, some woman constantly was pouring quarts of oil all over the road, her reasoning for it is she didn't like the sounds of those japanese bikes going through her yuppy little neighborhood. Well some poor Husband and Wife team on their Harleys kissed the pavement because of this, the woman was in critical condition for a week. Guess what the lady got for punishment. A pollution fine and that was all.
Thanks for backing up a previous statement of mine, big guy. Glad you kept her upright. Hope your shorts wash up okay.
Damn, glad you were able to hold it through. I hope it was somebody who threw a rod and broke down there, and not have it be from some idiot who did it intentionally.
Glad you stayed up.

In England, diesel truck drivers intentionally drop diesel fuel dregs on the roads to clear tanks or something.

It kills riders every year.

As I understand it, some Brit bikes clubs and becoming quite activist about lobbying the government to enact harsh penalties for truckers who do this.

Can you imagine having to worry about THAT around every corner?!

I am not an attorney. However, that lady sounds like she should be charged with premeditated criminal negligence or something. I would have been sueing her draws (underwear) off.
Agreed. She shouldn't have gotten away with it, if there was evidence and witnesses. The AMA should have gotten involved. As described, that is criminal intent.