We Don't Need No Stinkin Motors

No safety gear an accident waiting to happen.
Yep, the pavement don't care what you are on when you fall off...but in reality, what safety equipment other than a rinky-dinky helmet do we wear on a bicycle....and they move along fairly quickly too...
I love the braking system! Studded gloves and fishtailing. Ahh to be young and immortal again.
One of my grand daughters who is 10 recently took up skate boarding....she has all the PPE but her mother let her use a set of sandals....my wife and I bought her a proper set of boarding shoes and she found this to really make a difference..

It's fun to watch her ride the thing..on flat surfaces as she isn't ready for a skate park...she asked me to give it a try where I graciously refused stating I don't bounce anymore, I break....