we were the first on the scene


I couldn't believe this guy walked away with only miner cut on his face from his glasses, he was pretty disoriented though and kept asking the same questians but knew what day it was and where he was coming from and going. I know I probably should have ran right up there but with helmet and ear plugs I thought I might not be able to hear him if he could talk. there were 6 of us and I think we handled it pretty well the last guy turned around and went to the begining of the corner to stop traffic the 5th guy called 911 my self and another went to the truck and the person who was behind me got the oncoming traffic. the guy in the truck that pulled up happened to be a DR. what are the odds of that. for those who deal with this kind of stuff on a regular basis what could we have done better.
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I second that...wow! I don't know if y'all could have done anything different. Glad the guy didn't get hurt or worse. And I don't know the odds of a doctor driving up but I bet in a remote looking area like that it's probably slim, very slim.
Wow is right!!

From what you described that you did, you all did good!!
It was lucky that was not a worse case senario and the guy walked away.
I dont think he could have been more lucky to have a better group of people be there to help him!! :thumbsup:
Ya did good even the waving and arm raising to warn the of oncoming car that there was a BIG white truck flipped in the middle of the road incase they didnt see it. The first thing I would have done was turn the radio down that was playing the banjo deliverance tune. LOL!
It looks like you guys did well for being the first ones there. The primary concern in an accident like that is head and neck injuries, you did say he was having repetitive questions, signs of a possible concussion. Secondly, since he was moving around after the accident the concern of a neck injury (which can lead to paralysis) may not seem like an issue, but still I would have tried to lay person down in the shade (since he was out of the truck) and do your best to keep him as immobile as possible. Only to reduce any further chance of maybe him making his injury worse. Like I said, you guys did great from what was shown on the video, great job!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Ya did good even the waving and arm raising to warn the of oncoming car that there was a BIG white truck flipped in the middle of the road incase they didnt see it. The first thing I would have done was turn the radio down that was playing the banjo deliverance tune. LOL!

I bet you change your statement about waving the traffic down when you watch this clip
