what a crash :(


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I've seen that.Very sad
This is so graphic.

Very, very dumb mistake...shared with the world.
Although I had seen this before, this was the first time that I noticed that the rider with the camera got scared by the near miss and hit the rear brakes, you can see the bike is out of control and wobbling possible fish tailing. All he had to do was ease back off the throttle and push hard right , it would have easily put him back into his lane, a true shame. He was way out of his league
I think he saw the other bike so far inside and decided to go to the far left to go around him... the other bike saw him encroaching on his lane space and also decided to go to the far outside.
Yea, that kind of driving is irresponsible and just plain stupid... I have to push it a little bit, the way he and his buddy were driving was suicide if you ask me...
Why race riding needs to be ON a track, then you don't have to worry about someone coming at you if you screw up the turn
. Anyway, did both die
? I assume one did since I see  
those European body bags on the street  
damn shame for the guy in the other lane who was doing his own thing,I know some guys post on here that race around mountains here and there and personally I wouldnt do it for this sole reason,you may be in total control and riding within your limits when its the guy going the other way who pushes it beyond his and winds up taking you out.

save it for the track,Im looking for a track bike as I type this,just for this reason.I wanna go fast but i dont want to kill myself or somebody else,or worse,spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair eating thru a straw
He was riding way over his head. You have to pick your time and place to have fun, that was not it.
ill stick to the roads less travilled i only feel bad for the poor guy who was in his own lane and never seen it coming
I feel bad for the guys wife, if he had one. A shame she had to marry the village idiot. Also a shame he had to take someone else with him.....why can't people who do that crap ever just die alone?