What can you do to help the org?


Dis in my way!
Staff member
I was working on the site last night working out some bugs and answering questions for members. The intent of the site is to keep members plugged in and to make the forums a place where you can build relationships and interact with other owners from all over the world.

Do you remember what it was like when you first got your bike? All the questions you had, how every day you learned something new about your bike. Do you remember anyone specifically that stood out to you that may have answered your questions directly by posting to one of your threads or indirectly because you found the answer in another topic?

Guess what, as the site evolves and matures we go through cycles here on the site every few years we see new folks come in and before you can think about it the new guys have become the old dogs.

At some point I'm sure that you learned something from a member that you never knew. I'm sure that someone shared somethig on the forum about their bike, a ride, a how to, or just where to buy a certain product.

I hear all the time from members that they want to know what they can do to help, well here it is... I need you guys to help welcome the new members, if you have been hanging around the site sucking up information and learning from others then it's time for you to post up or offer some advise or your experiences. Many of you have been around the site for may years just watching and not posting, you are full of ideas, energy and information but not sharing those things with others...

I need people to step up and start helping each other, if you have not posted and you think that your not welcome then you are wrong, everyone is welcome and we need all sorts of experts and experiences on the site.

As I go through the site I am amazed at the amount of data that we hold, we have just about everything someone with a busa could ask for. What can you do to help? We have set up many different areas on the site to help organize all the different types of data. We have the picture Gallery so that you can easily upload your own pics to share with the world, we have the classifieds to help keep the sales and wanted ads in one place. We have added the garage with over 1100 bikes listed, we added the new videos section to make it easy to upload and watch videos and there is even the new reviews section to help make sure that you have all the information before you make your purchase...

We can't put all that data into the forum or threads, our intent to have all of these different sections on the site is to keep types of data seperated so that everything doesn't get all jammed up into one big mess. Imagine if everything was just put into posts and topics on the forum, you would never be able to find anything or you would have to sort through hundreds of posts to find what you were looking for...

All of this said to answer the question, "What can I do as a member to help"?

Very simple, update your garage information, update your profile information, upload a few pics of your bike into the gallery, answer questions on the forum if you know the answer.

In the end there are too many of you for 14 admins to move threads and keep up with all the data... We simply need you guys adding the data in the right places....

If you want to posts a video then go to the Videos section and make sure that you check the bottom box on the entry screen, this automatically creates a new thread....

Add a few reviews of products that you have bought so others can learn from your purchases.

Sell your products in the classifieds and not the forum...

It may take a few seconds more than posting in the forum but in the end it makes the site much cleaner and easier for the next guy to find what he is looking for...

As always let me know your thoughts....

Cap I do remember my first few days here and how everyone welcomed me as well as answered all my questions no matter how many there were with straightforward respectful answers. And for that I am tremendously grateful . I've learned a lifetimes worth of Suzuki/Busa knowledge in my short time here and am most happy to return the favor by doing as you ask and give the answers I once did not know to ones now asking same as well as responding to each and every PM I get that contains a question .
Thank you for allowing me to better myself here :bowdown:
I hope you are happy now...I spit my drink on my screen! You have good and bad with running this place; I hope the good wins hands down! Thanks Cap.

What would it be called, "How to screw up your life in 10 easy steps?" an autobiography by captain
Had a group ride at the last Bash and ended up leading a group for a trip to the falls down on Hwy 28. To those that shared the ride, I enjoyed the company more than you know. No crashes and good times. Two years ago, I rode to my first Bash and didn't know a soul....share your experiences and enjoy. The ORG rocks.
Had a group ride at the last Bash and ended up leading a group for a trip to the falls down on Hwy 28. To those that shared the ride, I enjoyed the company more than you know. No crashes and good times. Two years ago, I rode to my first Bash and didn't know a soul....share your experiences and enjoy. The ORG rocks.

All I can say is that you were there when I needed ya, what more could a guy ask for?

What would it be called, "How to screw up your life in 10 easy steps?" an autobiography by captain

Your life is Good !!!!!!!!!! You have Great well raised children and a Great Wife that Respects you and Backs You Up. You have Many Friends and Many People Admire and Respect what you have done with the ORG. Claim it Man !!!!!!! God Allready Has :rulez:
Your life is Good !!!!!!!!!! You have Great well raised children and a Great Wife that Respects you and Backs You Up. You have Many Friends and Many People Admire and Respect what you have done with the ORG. Claim it Man !!!!!!! God Allready Has :rulez:

Oh yeah, make no mistake I have it good and I know it... My comments was more a poke than anything....
What would it be called, "How to screw up your life in 10 easy steps?" an autobiography by captain

I have advised many prosperous companies, and one of the first things I tell the CEO's is to get away from day to day monitoring of the activities. When they finally do, they begin to live healthier, longer and enjoy their lives.

Sorry to be mister obvious.