What Do You Think?


So here is a good question I bet a lot of you have some input on. If you were getting ready to retire and you wanted to retire to a location that didnt tax your retirement and was sunny and warm and had a LOW crime rate, where would you go?
Anywhere small town. Check 2A laws and have a fit. I plan to do just that, but I am thinking Colorado.
i would be moving to Texas as fast as i could.
Somewhere in the middle of no where, so I can disappear. I loved New Mexico when we lived there many years ago.
Doesn't tax your retirement ?

Does that place even exist ? ? ?

My mother in law is 86 years old ~ she doesn't file for taxes anymore . . .


I'm officially retiring on June 10th of this year ~ been burning off my sick time & vacation #RetiRed2016 . . .


Our beautiful state of California is #3 on that list ~ it can't be all that bad, only New Jersey & New York beat us out . . .


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