So hear (pun intended) they are! Phonak B70R hearing aids. My doctor says he has never had a patient so geeked up over having hearing aids. But they are just another cool electronic toy to me. They are pretty amazing and less intrusive than my glasses that I absolutely never wear. Haven't learned all the toys yet but working on cell phone control and attaching them to the TV. Amazing how I can zero in on a sound now even in a restaurant or crowd. My hearing isn't generally better but I feel less stressed at the end of the day. I think I was really working hard to understand people. When I crank the aids up, I actually have super hearing right now. Pretty cool. Unfortunately insurance paid all bot all of it, lol! They were as useless as usual. But my accountant says I can write the full $6K (includes testing, fitting, adjustments, etc.) off. Yes I said $6K. I did think long and hard on this because that is a lot of mods to the Busa. I asked myself many times do I really even care what people are saying? But studies show the hearing loss can lead to early dimensia and other cognitive issues, so I figured I better do the right thing for a change.
Protect your ears people, especially if you are diabetic (I'm type 2). Symptom are TV up loud and not being able to understand people even though you can hear them talking. Note that loud pipes are generally not the problem, it's wind noise. Use ear plugs or isolating ear buds to protect your ears.
Protect your ears people, especially if you are diabetic (I'm type 2). Symptom are TV up loud and not being able to understand people even though you can hear them talking. Note that loud pipes are generally not the problem, it's wind noise. Use ear plugs or isolating ear buds to protect your ears.