What gloves do you use or recommend?


I want some opinions on comfy gloves that protect well and may also dampen vibration. If that's too much to ask for I'll take comfort and protection. I use some wimpy alpinestars gloves (not gauntlets) but have tried on the Olympia carbons and they were very comfy.
I use the Teknic Violator (the kind with the hard kuckles and soft palm leather Deerskin I think)

What is the vibration from ? (I don't have any)

Have you checked the torque on the four screws that attach your handlebar mount to the forks ? - There are rubber shock mounts that should suck up the engine vibration so you don't get any at the bars.
Trojan Enz they fit nicely and feel pretty good. As for the vibration.. take out the batteries and all should be ok. :)

[This message has been edited by Ambush (edited 09 August 2000).]
Teknic Violaters. These were all the rage in a lot of roadracing circles last year due to some miracle crash survival story from the '99 Daytona 200. Mine survived a high speed dismount at a track :redface: themselves with nary a scratch. Me, on the other hand, well "it only hurt when I breathed" :D

[This message has been edited by BarryW. (edited 09 August 2000).]
I used the Technics Violators until I saw some Held gloves. The Helds are a lot sturdier with a longer gauntlet. I ordered them from Helimot European Accessories in California. Don't have their number here at work though.
I'm partial to Z-custom's set of deerskin gloves. A bit more expensive than most but well worth the bucks. Deerskin is very soft and form fits to your hand. Plus you get to pick the colors and design.

Jeff your right Held , without question has the best gloves on the market today! Anything else is second best or worse! Don't throw your hard earned money away buying gloves all the time!These babies will last years, witha little care once in awhile!I used go through gloves like mad,usually start to fall apart because of sweat,heat,and poor stitching,and poor materials, my Held gloves are part deerskin, I've had them about three years maybe longer and they're still like new, i clean them with a mild soap once in while let dry! Paid about $100-$125 for them!
Olympia full fingered, perforated gel gloves; Held racing gloves, with the kevlar/carbon knuckles; calfskin roping gloves; and some generic winter insulated gloves; heavy duty rubber oversize dishwashing gloves go over any of the others for rain wear.
I am an M.D. and tried to email you but you address didn't work. Email me drredrock@yahoo.com
I'm going for the HELD. They have you fax a tracing of your hands to them and they measure it up and fit the correct glove to you. Helimot.com is the web address.

[This message has been edited by LeeMI (edited 09 August 2000).]
Check out the tourmaster road race elite gloves on sale for $49 right now at chaparral. They're normally $109! I just got some and I love them!
I vote Teknic, I've only used Teknic and Olympia, so I don't have that much experience with them. My Teknic Violators were recommended to me by a club racer friend and seem like good gloves. However, I know two people with Teknic problems, one one piece suit and one leather jacket coming apart at the seams. My Teknic boots are awesome and I like the gloves.

Their support isn't all that great, they're in Sweden, and are hard to reach from the US. They don't answer e-mail (from a friend) that quickly and are not that willing to help. They expect the dealer to handle complaints. So, if you buy Teknic, I recommend the local shop, not mail order.
Hayawoody why dont you like the tourmaster road race elite gloves?

I bought a teknic leather jacket and matching gloves last year. The fore finger sewing came apart after about 2 rides and left my finger tip sticking out. I took them right back to the shop where I purchased them. The sales guy had to actually haggle with the Teknic rep on the phone while I waited about replacing the gloves! They didn't want to! The white on the glove wasn't even dirty yet......Teknic is cheap stuff and I wouldn't buy it again.

[This message has been edited by Mabusa (edited 10 August 2000).]