What it takes to pull it off, caps MNG


Dis in my way!
Staff member
Hey all, I wanted to make sure that the first post I put up about this past weekend and the group coming to the house to be about my thankfulness.

I get the emails and PM's, phone calls and people posting about what a great time they had but I want to make sure that everyone knows just how involved everyone was in making this a fun weekend.

Aunt Gayla arranged the cake and called me early in the week, thanks for making that special moment happen for the two birthday boys. Gayla thanks for the cookies the chocolate brownies with death icing that have shortened my lifespan, we all enjoyed the sweets.

Professor cooked all the meat on the grill Sat night and he bought and prepared all the unbelievably hot but tasty jalapeños on the grill, thanks Rick for doing that, your a master griller and I know its a lot of work and you miss out on conversing with everyone else watching the grill.... Thank you!

Uncle Steve, thanks for picking up and providing our flyin's a place to sleep and hauling them back and forth! Thanks for leading the rides and thanks for letting me make fun of you all the time.... Not many could take the continual bombardment of one liners at your expense! Thanks for being so pickable!

Mark (Mojo), man what a class act you are. To give to others at your own sacrifice is what true friendship is about. Without a hesitation you offered your bike to Scar so that he could ride with the group, you gave up your day in the seat so that someone else from far away could participate.. Your sharing is the perfect example of how we all should treat each other. I find it refreshing to see people acting this way with others they have never met in person. You exhibit the very essence of the site with your actions... Thank you not only for bringing your bike but for being the perfect example to others...... THANKS!

I know that everyone helped in some way, to all the others that came I saw you all take turns taking the trash out or sneaking over to the sink to wash a few dishes, putting towels in the dryer, picking up a cup that blew in the yard or feeding the dog. Thank you all for jumping in when you saw a need and just doing it.

Thank you for not trashing the house, with all of us together we kept the place as clean all weekend as when you arrived. After everyone left there just wasn't really anything that needed to be done. It was a fun filled weekend and I just enjoy being around people that laugh, smile and like to visit and tell stories, I think we accomplished all of those things....

Dan / Diane, thank you for coming up with us this weekend. We all know you are having some trying times and I want you to know that we all are better for you being there to share time with you. Thank you for allowing us to maybe make your stressful week end with a laugh, we all feel better just being able to make you smile even if for just a short time...

To my wife, thank you for being who you are and spending time with me doing the things I like to do with the people I choose to do them with. Thank you for again jumping in and helping me get things prepared, everyone already knows your the brains behind the scenes... There is no way that I could manage this site, a get together or even keep the guest fed unless you were there making things happen.... Your awesome to be married to and I appreciate what you do for the members here and for me each day.... THANK YOU!

In the end I think that all that were able to come are a little closer than we were when we a few days ago... The Org's #1 vision and goal is to build relationships.... Mission Accomplished I think........

In the end, Thank you for all who were able to come and allow Busagal and I the opportunity to host you in our home....

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Am new here but sounds like a lot of fun...


You did a great job!
Doug, Thanks you and your lovely bride for all you do for US. Sorry I could not make it but looks like you all had a great time even if Semi did try to give the whole family a MAJOR MyoCardial Infarction (sp).
Again thank you to all who shared your experience with those of us who could not make it.
I'm speechless, and in awe of the great people of the org.
Thanks for sharing that with us.:thumbsup:
We had a great time there, and thanks for everything that everyone did it was great.:thumbsup:
Thank You and Kristie for letting us invade your space and enjoy good times all weekend :thumbsup:..... and all who made this last weekend a great time.:bowdown:
Captain, you and Kristie are darn great people. I am blessed to call you my friends. Thank you for a GREAT weekend of fun, fellowship and a little misbehavior.
I would have given anything to come down. I think I have had as much fun at your get together as anything I have ever done and hope I can make it next year if you have it. :thumbsup:
doug, thanks you and your lovely bride for all you do for us. Sorry i could not make it but looks like you all had a great time even if semi did try to give the whole family a major myocardial infarction (sp).
Again thank you to all who shared your experience with those of us who could not make it.

+1 :bowdown:
Cap, thank you again for the all the hard work you and Mrs Cap put into to everything. It was an honor and a pleasure to spend time with you and all that were there. The friendships we build are priceless. :beerchug:
I couldn't have said it better, James.

The words 'thank you' seem insufficient to relay the depth of feeling.

thanks for everything... great food and drink, great people and especially the laughs, always a great time.
The hot tub wasn't bad either. I got your monies worth out of it in a few days.
Don't be surprised if you see my busa parked at your house some day. Just look for me in the tub...:rofl: