What should I know about the '99 Busa?


I should have the '99 in about two weeks. I currently have an '84 Ninja (hence my handle). The Ninja is awesome, but I know the Busa's in a different league. Can anyone tell me what to expect with the Hayabusa? Thanks

alot more torque. Welcome to the org. if I didnt get to tell you already. How many mi. does it have. Do you know the history of it?
<div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:[/Quote]<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>
What should I know about the '99 Busa?[/quote]he's a post ho...

Ninja what?
Mr Bogus- FYI, the 1st Ninja is a pivotal predecessor of the bike you are currently riding. It is similar to the Busa in that it is an exceptionally & historically relevant bike and was superior to anything at its time. The '84 900 Ninja runs a 10.55 in the 1/4, not too far behind the 1300cc Busa. Damned respectable for a 25 yr old bike..

Thanks 99- The copper I'm probably going to buy is a two-older-owner bike. Completely stock, 17,500 miles. Near mint.

Captain- Will do. I pretty excited to hop aboard the mothership
What to expect...Hmmmmmmm.....well grins, giggles, a puddle in the pants once in a while.....she's top-heavy, sorta clumsy at low speeds, hysterical wide open and dead stable.......anything else you need...give me a shout !!
......a 99' Copper is the SH!D Brah...what a heck of a first-Busa to have !!!!

Welcome to the O-R-G.....resistance is futile....you've found the "right" place !!!


Also your not telling Mr. Bogus nothing he don't already know, Oh and welcome to the madness here on the oRg..
Thanks GixerHp..

Spudley- Lol. Thanks for the warm reception! I have a feeling I'll get permagrin like after I first rode a ZX-11 about 14 years ago. When I drove home in my car from that ride I just couldn't stop smiling. It was hilarious.

DR- Thanks, yes, respect is on the top of my list. I will drive like an old lady for a while for sure.
Mr Bogus- FYI, the 1st Ninja is a pivotal predecessor of the bike you are currently riding. It is similar to the Busa in that it is an exceptionally & historically relevant bike and was superior to anything at its time. The '84 900 Ninja runs a 10.55 in the 1/4, not too far behind the 1300cc Busa. Damned respectable for a 25 yr old bike..

Thanks 99- The copper I'm probably going to buy is a two-older-owner bike. Completely stock, 17,500 miles. Near mint.

Captain- Will do. I pretty excited to hop aboard the mothership
whoa buddy,

so there was only "A ninja" bike back then? I see lots of different ninja bikes.. 250-1400 today...

and certainly was not crackin on you... Chris? maybe.. but he is fun to pick on...
Thanks Mr. Bogus. I wasn't sure if you were serious or not. Yes, the 1984 Ninja was the first Ninja with its distinctive red/dark gray scheme, much like when you see a Copper Busa. Here is the original

Thanks Mr. Bogus. I wasn't sure if you were serious or not.  Yes, the 1984 Ninja was the first Ninja with its distinctive red/dark gray scheme, much like when you see a Copper Busa. Here is the original
I used to have an 83 GPz 1100, that was actually the first bike that led to the sport bike, "ninja style". I still miss her from time to time. Wiseco made her dang fast!
Dude you are in for a treat. My first bike was an 8 zx-10(same bloodlines as the 84.) I rode that till the engine seized up in about 2000. I got the busa brand new in 06. When I pulled out of the lot I could immediately tell the difference inpower and technology.
Dude you are in for a treat.  My first bike was an 8 zx-10(same bloodlines as the 84.)  I rode that till the engine seized up in about 2000.  I got the busa brand new in 06.  When I pulled out of the lot I could immediately tell the difference inpower and technology.
LOL, that is no joke. My 83 had a tubular frame, and it was the the first year for "uni-shock".
I had a 99 Blk/gry, was a wonderful machine, they had some minor issues, fuel pump,(guys here helped me fix that) starter clutch, Suzuki guys fixed that(that wonderfull extended warranty)other than that she was won-der-full. My first street bike was a 75 900 Kaw, 4 of those later an 80 1100 zook, then an 83 100ED, then the Busa...nothing else compares, although I havent been on the 08...YET...Mike.