What will be banned next in the USA

Just read that the snowmobiles will be banned from most national parks,I don't ride snowmobiles but use to ride jetskies until they banned it from most of the lakes around here and most of the coastal area's on the Big Island of Hawaii.I'm just wondering what will be next on the ban list for the good old USA.
Remember when it was cheap saturday night special guns,than it was assault weapons, than it was multi clip guns, and now they are working on SUV's, Superbikes"crotch rockets",Hey we are getting to be like the old USSR or worse.
Here's the real catch everybody is just sitting on there behind and letting the Powers to be just pass all these laws and banning of what ever they feel is right for the kids/enviroment.I joined ABATE of California to fight for the unjust to motorcyclist,I joined the NRA for the unjust to gun owners,and now some political people in the government is making people who belong to these groups to be the bad guys and twist the truth.So why I'm I bringing this topic up well maybe our love for motorcycle will be next,you heard it here first.Try getting a decent insurance for your motorcycle and you get all kind of accusess from the insurance why your rates are high.All those stats on motorcycle accidents and deaths,who do you think funds those studies,the insurance companies.Well just needed vent some steam.Hope you Gals/Guys read between the lines and get off your behind.Ride Safe
LAST I Heard was that lyin sack of I invented the internet GORE **** say he would go for the ELEMINATION of all assault weapons(aka home defense weapons)/do not vote for this son of BILL N HILLARY!!!
I too am a member of the NRA and the AMA.I feel we are in a loosing battle and it will be a matter of time before the Constitution is regulated to toilet paper.I`ts nice to think we have a say but dont kid yourself , if the powers to be want something changed it will happen no matter what.A prime example of this bullshi@ state I live in Massachusettes.They once had a mandatory seat belt law ,petetions were signed and votes were taken...the law was repelled buy almost 80%.Well 2 years later its a law again...imagine that.Mass is in bed with the insurance companys here,Mass keeps out the competition and passes these safety laws and the insurance companys give Mass the surcharges on your insurance.My lovely town is another example the people vote to keep the tax rate at it`s current % and three people stay up all night erasing ballots and guess what the tax rate goes up.The USA is turning into the USSR and the ball is rolling.Everyone I`ve talked to bith on the net and in person think Gore is a fuc#ing looser and would rather vote for FearsomeK but I wouldnt be surprised if the fag lover gets in.All I can say is I feel sorry for the bastard who trys to take my guns..I may go down but I aint going alone :)
I'm glad I'm 52 and won't have to live through all the upcoming restrictions on personal freedoms that are sure to outlaw many of the things I enjoyed and took for granted for my first 50 years. At the first onset of terminal illness I may well decide to vote by eliminating a candidate.
I do ride snowmobiles, but dont despair, for example places like yellowstone where they will ban snowmobiles 2 blocks away is acces to 1000 miles of groomed trails that are not in the park. besides you have speed limits in the parks anyway and you dont outside the parks so dont despair. We will find a way...................
Let's use some of the current trends of the do gooders to predict the future. I could see all of the major cities banning together with the federal government to bring legal action against everyone who manufactures or distributes fatty foods. After all, fatty foods result in illness which costs cities millions of dollars each year in health care costs. Look out McDonald's !

The same thinking could be applied to just about any activity/product.
I hate to say it, but I think there's not a chance in hell to stop it. I say this because all the young kids are growing up absorbing the liberal crap taught by those crappy liberal teachers. I was just talking to my next door neighbor (crappy young liberal teacher) and was really sickened by it. She hasn't done a god damn thing in her life but talk and type. She has come straight from school to school with
nothing in-between and she is filling 40 sculls full of mush with her socialistic bull **** every morning...its

What I want to know is how anyone that rides a sportbike or motorcycle of any kind, or for that matter rides mountain bikes, watercraft, snowmobiles, sails, flys planes you name it...can be a liberal, please tell me, please. Is it because you are doing sports that are political correct
right now that you think your immune. Do you mountain bikers really think you are safe from the greenys. You feel so smug when you ***** and whine about that noisy dirt bike that's tearing up your precious environment and your so stupid you cant see your time is coming too.....it just makes
me sick...Im going for a ride and beer.
Well if Tipper Gore gets her way *MUSIC*.
Remember the PMRC? She is out for blood.....you know rock music make you stick cigars in your snatch :)
Ronney,I seen the senate hearing and thanks for the feed back. Ride safe oh ya Praying works but you also have to use your common sense and know what to do when danger is around.
I think that mentioning common sense is right on Cisco.

I don’t look at the situation as merely a ban on certain pastimes I look at it as a ban on common sense in general.

I think that the current debate about firearms and violence is a perfect example. I served in the Army both an NCO in Artillery and as an Officer in the Infantry during late 80’s and early 90’s. I trained with and later trained many individuals as young as 17 with the average age being 19 how to break things and kill people. Most of these individuals came from low to lower middle socioeconomic backgrounds. Many came from inner city areas and had been involved with gangs and drugs. When I was an Infantry Platoon Leader there were young men in my platoon that I knew had been involved in gangs who were participating in live fire exercises with crew served weapons systems and pyro on a monthly basis. Most of these young men had been transformed into responsible hard working soldiers in less than one year. Where these young people changed by time outs and psychiatrists who put them on drugs? No, they were actually changed by being forced to face tough standards, discipline and or by being introduced to the fist of a good NCO or squad leader. In essence these young men were taught responsibility and became contributing members of society by being trained to be violent and to use guns to solve conflicts. Tell a psychiatrist that you want to take “at riskâ€￾ inner city youths and teach them responsibility by teaching them to kill and they will blow a head gasket. Tell them that this actually happens in the military and you will have proved a point.

I guess that my long and rambling point here is that it should be obvious that guns have nothing to do with violence or killing. You can go so far as to train “at riskâ€￾ youths to kill and still keep control provided you hold them accountable for their actions. The lesson here is that the argument is not really about guns but about accountability of the individual. Guns and violence are only symptoms of a larger problem which is lack of accountability. Change can only begin when you focus on individuals and their actions not guns. But to do this would require common sense.
Heres a little exerpt from an email that I was sent

"Alexander Tyler was right over 200 years ago (we were still a British
when he said, "The average age of the world's great civilizations has been
200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence-from
bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from
to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to complacency, from
complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, and from dependence
back again to bondage."

I think the government has been getting us ready for the dependency stage. When does the bondage come??

My two cents,

I think the reason behind these school shootings isn't video games or movies/music or guns or anything like that.

I think its for attention. Look at these kids who do this crap. They're misfits. They're the same kids who when I went to school dyed their hair pink. Now days they pierce their noses and lips, etc.. The really hard-core pull out their guns.

They come home from school and turn on the TV and see 24hr round the clock coverage of the last school shooting. They pick up the paper and the headline read "One Year Anniversary of the last school."

They see how much attention those kids are getting and they want it too. All Billy has to do is walk into daddy's room and get his gun or talk to that drug dealer on the corner. Then his picture will be in the news paper or on the TV, they'll be talking about him on the radio next. He'll be immortalized in the media, everyone will know who he is then.

There used to be a time when teen suicides weren't put in the paper because the adults were afraid that the kids would read it and try it too. Why doesn't the same hold true for school shootings? Yeah it happened, it was bad, now let it go. Do we have to keep cutting back to the memorial service then the families houses and then the kids friends?

Who here isn't fuc*ing glad that something happened with the Elian (however it's spelled) kid, just so that I can stop hearing about him? I joked that I wouldn't mind killing the kid just so the story would die and my friends said that then they'd argue over where to bury him. They're probably right.

This world is too full of TV cameras looking for stories and empty heads that have to make everyone have their opinion.

I think we need more teachers. If the ratio of teachers to kids was better maybe someone would have spotted these kids' behavioral problems before anyone had to die. Like it was said earlier in this thread, there's 40 kids to 1 teacher. How many minutes of the day does each kid get then? What if there were 20 kids to 1 teacher? Maybe these kids would get the attention they need. You never had these problems back in the day. Back then Dad worked and Mom gave everyone the attention they needed. Now days Mom works 40hrs a week like Dad and there's no time to see if Billy is building up a rifle collection.

As far as politicians go, here's my idea.
Computers are cheap, especially old 286s, you can get them for $25. Lets get every home in the world a computer. Hook them all to the 'net and everyone can vote on each issue.
#1 You wanna spend a billion dollars on a Hubbell telescope that doesn't work?---NO---
#2 You wanna fix these fricken roads?---Yes---

We could get rid of all the politicians and their staff and their limos and free mail and other perks. Who would the tobacco and insurance industries have to pay off then?

Is it not amazing, with all our disagreements about motorcycles, we are all in aggreement on this. I think Cisco is right on. I will fight to my dying day for the right to carry arms, and we all seem to feel that our country in headed to hell. How can we all feel that way and can get nothing changed????????? Where are all these liberals that are screwing us??? Do they not ride motorcycles? Are motorcyclists the only people that believe in personal freedom?? Are we the only folkes that belive in taking responsibility for what you do?? How strange that we do not try to blame "things" for our actions. We are a great group!!! Maybe we need our own country.
Guns don't kill people, Stupid People do.
Car's don't kill people, Stupid drivers do.
Alcohol don't kill people, Stupid drinkers do.
I feel bad for the kids that got killed,but their classmates Knew what was going to happened but did notthing.
The only thing that screws up the world, enviornment,air and what ever is Human beings and the Stupid ones at best.Everyone seems to blame the tools but not the human behind the tools. Now if they would ban the cars/trucks/motorcycles or any transportation the two bad boys would not have been able to carry all those weapons and guns to the school to do the harm.The reason it happened is because the school system only pushes students throught those classes with out teaching what is right or wrong in life.When prayer/time of silents/ and pledge to the flag went out of schools that is what started the ball rolling for the down fall of the school systems in America.I was once told by my fifth grade teacher way back when, IF YOU WANT TO DESTROY A COUNTRY FIRST YOU HAVE TO KILL OFF,LOCKUP,SILENT THE INTELLECTS.THAN YOU REMOVE ALL BOOKS OF REASON AND TRUTH.THAN YOU POLLUTE THE YOUNG.MOST OF ALL YOU DESTORY THE BILL OF RIGHTS AND THE CONSTITUTION.LOOKS LIKE WE ARE LETTING THE VARIOUS POWERS IN OUR GOVERNMENT DO THAT NOW.THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE THAT USE TO PROTEST AGAINST ME FOR BEING IN THE NAVY DURING THE VIET NAM AREA, SAME PEOPLE THAT SMOKE POT IN COLLEGE,SAME PEOPLE THAT WENT TO RUSSIA TO PROTEST THINGS THAT WENT ON IN THE USA DURING THE 60'S AND 70'S.I'm not blaming you or anyone else but wake up.I grew up around guns and never went to a fight with a gun or handled my differences with a gun.I was taught right from wrong and what would happen if we used weapons of any type to settle any fights.The problem is that we have enough laws to handle all these gun violents but no one seems to use the laws correctly.We have a corrupt Judicial system that needs fixing.Next they will BAN the internet.YOU heard it First from me.Ride Safe
Cisco, sorry if I didn't make myself clear... it ticks me off because "they" are blaming the guns. Darnel Scott, father of slain Rachel Scott was invited to speak at the House Judiciary sub-committee and pleeded with them not to blame guns or the NRA, but it fell on deaf ears as usual. I'll drop the subject because it's probably not appropriate for this board, but if anyone is interested I'll e-mail you a copy of his speach... it's right on the money.
Flame on...I lost my next door neighbor last year in the Columbine shooting. His name is Steven Curnow. Absolutely great kid. Yesterday the Jefferson County Sheriff released a tape you can buy for $25 that shows the inside of the school after the bodies were removed. Steve's mom (she's a single mom) and the other victims families were not informed and are understandably upset. I won't buy the video but happened to get a sample on the news. It showed the mess while a song about taking the guns away was played. It just pisses me off to think that nothing has been learned from this. Lets just blame the guns. Flame off.