What would you do???


I have about $850 to put into my bike with permission from the wife of course. So, my bike is stock right now.
I just lowered the rear 1.5" and the reapers are on the way.
Now, I like performance but also want to give it a better look.
I am looking at the Vance and Hines slip ons
and an undertail. This should cost me around $600, so $250 can also get me

If you have better thoughts on the $850 please share them, I am open to anything as long as it is for MY bike NOT YOURS
License plate relocator 100 - 200$

P.S. Don't forget to do the mod so you won't get backfires. (I got a pair of Micron slipon and had to do the mod) I'm sorry but the name of mod is not coming to me, hopefully some other members will help me out!
Get yourself the 4 into 1 Muzzy system between 450-550 don't waste your time with slip ons, all you get is sound!!!!!!!!!!! Then get you the Zero Gravity windshield for about $75.00 and save the rest for your Power Commander(PC-3) I'll have to get you the number for Jeff in Lake City Fl. who has good prices on the Muzzy! or go to www.pipecity.com or CSC in your hometown @ www.18889chrome.com (18889chrome is phone # also)

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Muzzy pipe, and PCIII USB. Get the Oval pipe, not the round...
Make sure you also get a Block off Kit as well for the pair valve. 650 for pipe and 240 for PC will put you at 890. Those prices are pretty low, but believe me, you shop with the right place and you will find it!

tobins , double bubble , fairing screens , slip ons , clear led tail light, plate relocator !
i would say do a power comander, full exhaust and sprockets

i dont know a price for that stuff but i am surew it all can be found for the price you are looking for or under 1000 bucks
If you wait till Thursday I can put you a few package deals together and save you some money and you may get all that you want in one of the bundles.
If I get a full exhaust and don't get a PC what should I expect?  Is the PC basically a must?

By the way, I got my undertail with integrated signals and brakes all l.e.d.'s, plate relocator, new grips and bar ends, and found a full D&D 4-2-2 exhaust (always wanted dual pipes so have to keep it that way), a TRE is also on the way as well.
Do I have to get the PC? I really want some Tobin seats....

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