What's A Tuck?

Meta title: Mr.

Meta description: 20

If your having issues tucking couldn't you just scoot your ass back towards the end of the bike more so theres more room up front?
Can't figure out what the PROB is for some of you.  I'm 6'3", 225 lbs. use a DB windscreen and had absolutley no problem looking through the windscreen at 192 indicated w/ GI Pro TRE in 5.  Yes I looked to see what the speedomoter was at...185 indicated w/out the TRE.  Now I have a 43t rear sprocket and those speeds are no longer available to me.

Ever pop a wheely going 192? I was watching a ghostrider movie at youtube.com if you haven't seen any of the busa movies on youtube, go do a search for ghostrider or busa, absolutely crazy. Guy pops wheelies for 6 seconds going 200mph.
When I ride in a tuck I also get better gas mileage (5-7 mpg). Too much surface area otherwise I suppose ...
I am 6'1" with orangutan arms and long legs and I can fit behind the screen just fine. I scoot all the way back and can rest the chin of my helmet on the tank and see through the stock screen. I can rest my elbows on my knees too if I wanted.
im 6'3 320 on a good day ... and i can tuck down with my beer belly sqeezed on the tank . elbows tucked down on top of my thighs and i have most of my helmut behind the windscreen (stock) . but still i know im not getting enough of the front half of my helmut out of the wind . around 150-155 the front half of my helmut starts to push inwards on my face . scary sh*t !

This is to those guys that say that they can not tuck. I am 5'11 and weight well lets just say when I get on the scale it really hates me in fact it read to be continued in a few years fat A$$. So with that said I can tuck bought myself a Puig DB and have no problem getting my tuck on so you big guys out there invest in a DB and you to will be able to tuck


You guys need to practice your tuck more often is all..I'm 6'7 and have no problem on short or long wb bikes.Here is a pass in Vegas of how well you can tuck with practice.

Ive given up trying to tuck ,vision is horrible if your on a traveled road..1/4mi closed track,yeah no problem.I just resided to the fact 130 ish is the fastest im doing on any open road,I usually rest my elbows on my knees and keep my head low and to one shoulder or the other,for whatever reason i dont feel like im gonna get blown off this way,I dont know,it works for me
My problem with tucking tight is that I can't see straight ahead. My neck doesn't bend that far and helmet hits the leathers. I have a Suzuki DoubleBubble and I prefer to have my eyes just over the windscreen. The bubble lifts the air over me when I'm at high speeds so no issues there. I do scoot my rear pretty far back (no tobin) so I can get flat on the tank.
I'm 5'11".

Anywhere north of 150 the only thing I hear is wind and the only thing I see is about a mile down the road. Long live my desire for speed
Re: What's A Tuck?

My problem with tucking tight is that I can't see straight ahead. My neck doesn't bend that far and helmet hits the leathers. I have a Suzuki DoubleBubble and I prefer to have my eyes just over the windscreen. The bubble lifts the air over me when I'm at high speeds so no issues there. I do scoot my rear pretty far back (no tobin) so I can get flat on the tank.
I'm 5'11".

Anywhere north of 150 the only thing I hear is wind and the only thing I see is about a mile down the road. Long live my desire for speed

Could your helmet be too big? What is obstructing your vision?
Re: What's A Tuck?

guys im 6'4'' 310 lbs and i cant duck behind thestock windshield just put on some muscle and hang on i hit 182mph but im in north dakota where the only thing you see on the back roads are tractors and cows. i go 140mph and still sit up.

Slow moving tractors and cows are no joke! A bud of mine in LA had a 1972 Chevy C-10 w/383 stroker in it, needless to say he had some money tied up in it. Anyway; Early one AM, just as the sun was waking, he was flying (100+) down a rural road and crested a lil rise in the road. Holy Clucking Shiz!! He didn't see it until almost the point of impact; bedded up, right in the middle of the road and blending in with the asphalt was 1500+ lbs of black angus bull! T-Totaled his beautiful truck, laid him up in the hospital for 3 months and spread fresh ground hamburger for about 1/4 mile.

Don't get caught tucking in the wrong place! Save that high speed stuff for the track / closed course.

Damn, I'm hungry for a cheeseburger now!