Whats the "limit" with photos postd here?


here goes: i'm new fish in a BIG pond, and want to get labeled as trouble or bad influence. i have over hundred fotos of my ride, most with "ornamentation" so just want to know what is ok to put up n wat i need to leave on my harddrive. all advice n opinions r welcome. attachd foto for scrutiny...

here's one at the 'other end' of my collection- please be brutal with your honesty, i love my photos but of course i wud-i took'em. not tryn to ruffle feathers here just want to share sum awesum shots with fellow busa luvrs.

I have to agree with NJ............ but I'm sure if you keep pushing the envelope Scott.. and I'm sure you're going to.....

You'll eventually get their
Also on another note as far as posting pics... I think to help your decision-making in what you post up on the board.
If you bear in mind that kids as young as eight years old have been know to go through the posts on this board..

That's generally, what the members here try to keep in mind when posting pics.....
that second one is borderline BigDiesel.

That help you with yer decission making process.

Another mod might toast it....me,I'll leave it for now.

got the idea now folks, i keep things PG frum now on....if any1 wants hottr pix...PM me i'll email'em directly 2u. Im in process of putn up a site dedicated to bike/babe photos, n wantd to share sum w ya'll fer free...not guna mention name of site here-not lookn 4 free advertising, just sum criticism from bike afficianadoes with good taste (i.e: luv busa's)
Dayuum...good looky here...haha. I wouldn't put that kind of girl on my busa...why? cuz they not gonna lookin at my bike nomo...