Wheel and tire size?


Thinkn about puttin a 240mm tire on my busa but just want to no if you can get a widen factory wheel and will it work in the factory swing arm.
Thinkn about puttin a 240mm tire on my busa but just want to no if you can get a widen factory wheel and will it work in the factory swing arm.

You are gonna need a new swingarm...that will cost some $$$
In the stock arm...nothing bigger than a 200 on stock rim. A 240 arm and kit ( offset front sprocket, arm, 240 tire, and 8.5 wheel). Yes there is a company out there is widening stock wheels with custom center hub for 240 kits.
WOW...a 240 means width of tire not how tall. Extending the arm is only stretching it. YEa I guess you could put a hell of a tall tire then. The arms must be widend in width. IF you could put a 240 in stock arm....then everyone would do it and you would have never heard of a 240 arm kit.

Stock rim 6inch = 200mm tire
240 kit has rim 8.5 inch = 240mm tire
300 kits has rim 10 inch = 300mm tire
330 kits has rim 12 inch = 330mm tire
big 360 rim are 14 inch = and yes a 360 tire. YOur thinkin is that if you stretch the arm far enough then you could get a 360 on then right? I know I went drastic on you to show your thinking. NOT so. Just trying to explain it.:beerchug:

And for the extentions...they do not widen anything. They bolt directly in-line with the stock arm blocks and can only run stock size wheels.
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thanx for the info BIGROD for the info i wasnt sure if the clearance issue was at the front off the swing arm and just needed to get it past a point up front but i see that u cant do it with a stock arm.