I was watching Las Vegas Extremes(the first one) and noticed a light on the fairing located near the rear wheel, basically lighted up the road while the guy was in a wheelie(probly not the purpose, but good way to describe it i guess). Anyone know where to get one?
I was watching Las Vegas Extremes(the first one) and noticed a light on the fairing located near the rear wheel, basically lighted up the road while the guy was in a wheelie(probly not the purpose, but good way to describe it i guess). Anyone know where to get one?
my guess...custom made thing . Some guys have lights pointing to the ground...then they wheelie...and can see good at night .
Theres a guy in England....teaches you to wheelie through his course ....uses an abandoned air strip . He has a custom made thing for wheelies . It's a sensor (stick contraption attached to rear fender) when the bike gets tipped to far back , sensor hits the ground,kills motor.
Kinda cool .
I have seen it before. That device applies the rear brake and retards the cylinders. But I already know how to wheelie, dont need a school for it. Most people learn by accident, anyway. The school is a rip-off IMHO.
Its not really a custom light i dont think. I have seen them on bikes before.
I have seen it before. That device applies the rear brake and retards the cylinders. But I already know how to wheelie, dont need a school for it. Most people learn by accident, anyway. The school is a rip-off IMHO.
Its not really a custom light i dont think. I have seen them on bikes before.
I wasnt implyin' that you or anybody go to school to learn how to wheelie . I just thought it was a neat little gadget that seemed in line with the wheelie light thing . If I had tons of extra cash....I'd take every motorcycle course on the planet . I love learning .
It is actually called a wheelie light. It's just a trick light to keep soemthing onthe road when you ride wheelies, Obviously the nose light is no good (unless your flagging jets).
A couple of guys i know have them...not very useful unless you ride in the dark alot, but these guys are stuntaz...
I think they consider it a poser mod for stuntaz...
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