Where do these idiots come from? Why?

Most do it for attention. I guess they don't or didn't get enough as a child. Its is so much of this stuff on TV now days I feel that that is the only way they can be herd. I also feel that it is a choice they make from being bullied. The world is in a sad state and it's only one thing that will make it better and only God knows what that is.
ppl need to start beating their children again, when they took the right to spank a child away this is what happens
I don't know all the solutions, be we sure do have some problems in our society... Very sad.

ppl need to start beating their children again, when they took the right to spank a child away this is what happens

Those two are not the same. I hope you're not condoning the first.
People need to start being parents and paying attention. You leave a child to do as he/she pleases, roam about with whomever or isolate them in front of the TV/X-Box, who knows what they are capable of? If you are not an active part of the solution you are creating problems. You folks should see some of the "entitled, rude social retards" some of my members and their guests have for children, it's not only shocking but scary.
I see it in some of my 9 year olds classmates parents, some of these people either don't want to be a parent or find it easier to allow the child to rule the roost. :banghead: I celebrate my child! I encourage, include, participate with and make it a point to let her know I'm there 100%. Anything less, then I suck.

Eike is charged with unlawful possession of a firearm and lying to a licensed dealer about his mental condition, according to KSWO-TV.

What does that mean? I didn't know a Licensed Dealer was qualified to pass judgement on ones "mental condition" So, they can refuse to sell ammo or a weapon based upon their assessment of a person? That's reassuring??? Hmmmm, turn down a $$$ cash sale....cause I think this guy is a little off...yeah right.

FYI, I was beaten as a child and it did nothing to deter my deviant behavior or deter me from becoming a more clever one.
Beating promotes violence and aggression aside from really cementing solid resentment issues....
Not a good option.
Parents just need to be parents, sit down and be part of the kids life instead of letting them run around doing whatever they want.
ppl need to start beating their children again
agreed! a good ass woopn goes a long way. contrary to what many may think or believe FEAR is a great motivator! might even prevent them from walking into a school or movie theater and murdering dozens of innocent people....:whistle:
This may be a sensitive topic for some, but I believe we are seeing a lot of these issues due to a result of the whole "bully" crack down in the school systems. If a child grows up sheltered and hasn't dealt with 12 yr old kids picking on them, how do we expect them to deal with society when things get rough and life isn't going as they'd hoped? The two solutions to this have been made apparent through increases in suicides and extremely violent acts.

Just my thoughts....
jtjohns said:
This may be a sensitive topic for some, but I believe we are seeing a lot of these issues due to a result of the whole "bully" crack down in the school systems. If a child grows up sheltered and hasn't dealt with 12 yr old kids picking on them, how do we expect them to deal with society when things get rough and life isn't going as they'd hoped? The two solutions to this have been made apparent through increases in suicides and extremely violent acts.

Just my thoughts....

This doesn't ring true IMHO. Yes there is a crack down, but most places still protect and deny bullying happens. These cases of kids shooting up schools aren't because of sporadic bullying or being picked on. These are kids who are constantly targeted picked on beat up and abused by peers and sometimes the adults. The bullys aren't being stopped because of one reason or another but lots of times because they are good athletes blab blah. When a kid who gets bullied can't turn to their teachers to stop the actions it causes more problems. I'm not saying I think they should be shooting people up or nothing mind u. Just saying how it is. And before anyone says " well they just need to learn to stand up for themselves". I agree but man some kids just can't and it's not by choice or lack of trying.

I guess we can just blame it on the vile devil rock n roll or violent video games for now though.