OB_Dirty Pete
Defectron, you've described a good setup for urban pacification.
Let's take your bike as a basis, and add a few items for more comprehensive effectiveness.
What about seat belts? Screw getting high sided when you're dodging curare darts. You stay with your bike or die.
A medicine cabinet. I bet you didn't think about that, eh? Well when you're feeling drowsy from 500 miles of strafing, you wouldn't even have to stop. You could just reach down into the drawer under the rad hose and pull out some bennies. Problem solved.
Central self-destruct plastique pack. If you get separated from your Busa against your will...like by a tow truck driver or FalconCOP161..you can pre-program your bike to blow. We must not let this Busa technology fall into the wrong hands.
Finally, the ultimate weapon. A coin dispenser. No more fumbling through your 47 zipper pockets for pocket change. A parking guy demands $3.75...you just whip it out and take off before the sucker can even swallow his beef jerk.
With these additions to your concept, Defectron, we can rule.
[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 30 August 1999).]
Let's take your bike as a basis, and add a few items for more comprehensive effectiveness.
What about seat belts? Screw getting high sided when you're dodging curare darts. You stay with your bike or die.
A medicine cabinet. I bet you didn't think about that, eh? Well when you're feeling drowsy from 500 miles of strafing, you wouldn't even have to stop. You could just reach down into the drawer under the rad hose and pull out some bennies. Problem solved.
Central self-destruct plastique pack. If you get separated from your Busa against your will...like by a tow truck driver or FalconCOP161..you can pre-program your bike to blow. We must not let this Busa technology fall into the wrong hands.
Finally, the ultimate weapon. A coin dispenser. No more fumbling through your 47 zipper pockets for pocket change. A parking guy demands $3.75...you just whip it out and take off before the sucker can even swallow his beef jerk.
With these additions to your concept, Defectron, we can rule.
[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 30 August 1999).]