where do you cruise at in your rpm range


Donating Member
I came from a small twin. Most people I ride with run twins. My question is where does everyone cruise? 65mph gear/rpm? 35 gear/rpm... I have had people tell me to just run out the gears others say to keep rpm's as low as possible (could this not charge my battery as well?) I mean if I ran out the gears I could go everywhere w/o leaving second gear. Looking for the experts advice. Chime away!
If Im just cruising around she is usually in 6th / 4000rpm /70mph or close to it.
3500-4000 rpm for normal riding and whatever gear is needed for that range.
Right where I normally ride, thanks guys. The next question is when testing a rectifier why do you have to rev to 5k? does the system not charge fully until then?
just under the 5k buzz in 6th gear has me runnin a good 85mph highway cruzing speed, thats about redline in 2nd :laugh:. i rarely run up twards the redline. just shift when you feel like it. i've run around town in 4th gear, i've also run down the highway for miles w/o knowing i was in 3rd gear. busa has soo much low end tug it fits almost any riding style.:thumbsup:
I came from a small twin. Most people I ride with run twins. My question is where does everyone cruise? 65mph gear/rpm? 35 gear/rpm... I have had people tell me to just run out the gears others say to keep rpm's as low as possible (could this not charge my battery as well?) I mean if I ran out the gears I could go everywhere w/o leaving second gear. Looking for the experts advice. Chime away!

theres bags of torque 65mph in 6th about 3500rpm and it will still pull like a train, drop a gear or two and it will fly or drop to 2nd hold on and give it full throttle :laugh:

Twins (large or small) do not run civilized under 3500 revs - and not smooth under 5000 revs.

Inline 4's will run smooth from 2000 revs - and the more cubes, the better. The GSX-R 600 does not perform below 10.000 revs - The Busa will from 1500 :biggrin:

In town you can use 4th. and hit the highway in 6th ... Or do the whole show in 2nd ... :cheerleader:
I usually shift between 3-4K RPM and cruise around town about 3K. On the highway I'll get to 6th and leave it unless I need to cross the yellow dotted line to pass. Just playing around today I went over 8K in 2nd - probably the first time I've revved it that high. Highway mileage is usually right around 50 mpg, which is nice. The torque on the Busa makes it easy to cruise in higher gears :)