which cams


i have a stock motor ...micron pipe .pcIIi would like to make 180hp with cams.dynoed all stock 156.3hp...have not dynoed yet winter is long.......hehehehe.
If you do not plan on a displacement increase, compression increase or headwork I would use the Yosh stage 1 cams. Any more duration with the stock compression will bleed off to much cylinder pressure. If you plan on more internal mods, there are other grinds to consider.
Here is a post from a while back that someone was kind enough to relist. This should give you a better idea of which cams to get.For me the yoshi was not enough of a increase for the busa so I went with the Web
536/577 grind.

Cam----Int dur.--lift--Exh. dur.--lift-LC's
Stock--240 deg--.345"--220 deg.--.294"-106/99

Yosh stg. 1
-------244 deg--.354"--230 deg--.307"-102/105

Web 536/577
-------250 deg--.378"--234 deg--.330"-112/109

Web 483/536
-------250 deg--.395"--250 deg--.378"-106/108

i would like to thank you guys for the help....i think i am going to go with the web cams.....does anyone have a phone number...i will let you guys know how it goes........
The 420 lift was the first grind we had made from Web. It was in My 1430 motor. The only way I'd use that cam again is if I decide to use the carbs & dyna setup.

The stock rev-limiter is what really hurts those cams.
To bring this issue back up, what cams should I use?

Web 536/577
-------250 deg--.378"--234 deg--.330"-112/109

Web 483/536
-------250 deg--.395"--250 deg--.378"-106/108

I'm currenlty bone stock except my pipe, pcii, and airbox but I will do some motor work this winter. I'll be doing the head and most likely a piston kit. So should I go with the bigger cams now? Or is this going to hurt my current configuration?

Anyone using the web cams on a stock motor? What did you gain, loose, like, dislike?

Any help would be great! Thanks!
The springs/bases and ti retainers for the "Big" cams look real nice. A preliminary check showed that at 10mm lift there was still considerable room before coil bind (at least 3mm). Seat pressure was around 57 and open at 10 mm was 155 plus.
One more thing. Use adjustable cam sprockets and weld the center piece to the cam to keep it from moving aroung. Big springs make this problem happen more often.
If your going to do motor work for sure then go with the 395 lift. You'll need valve springs for that cam and you can get those from APE.(the best springs available for the Busa!)
While your at it have them send ya some titainum valve spring retainers also.

And get a manual cam chain tenioner while your at it!

Jay or John will hook ya up.

I`ve also seen some of ape adjustable cam sprockets dig into the head. Make sure the bolts that hold the sprocket are not to long and do not rub the head on the inside...it makes a mess...not my bike but a friends customer brought it in...for once it was NOT MY BIKE SCREWED UP.....
A quick mock up of the head indicates that the .395" intake lift may require sinking the valve guides a bit. We will know more this weekend, but be aware that the big
Web cam may not be a drop in.
Now the real question.

We see all the nubers. How do the cams feel? Can you really tell a differnce? Or is it just HP on a dyno for bragging rights. IMHO noramlly I cannot feel most mods.

For example: My GSXR i put in G21X cams. Felt the same to me. Made some extra power but seat of the pants I couldn't tell. Now a shot of N20...I can feel that.

I just ordered a pipe for the busa. Hopefully I can feel it and I don't have a placebo effect from the biek being louder. I will see.

So what is the seat of the pants feel on the cams?
