Which one is the best

I have the SportbikeCam front mount, but haven't used it yet. Check out Pashnit's webpage for <a href="http://www.pashnit.com/more/cameramount.htm">Camera Mounts<a>.
Looks a lot like the one from SportBikeCam, but about half the price! Wish I had seen that one when I was looking.
I got the MANTIS video camera mount from parts411.com and I love it. I think they have 2 or 3 to choose from there, check em out.
Anybody out there used a camera with the newer Sportech windshields? I'm just wondering what the quality is like with that mesh on the inside of the windshield.
Check out the "Helmet Cam"!

Much more versitile than your camera and you can mount it with simple velcro anywhere on your bike as well as your helmet, shoulder pad, bill of your base ball cap, hood of your car, too many possibilities to immagine!

I use mine all the time! You can mount it backwards on your helmet and check out your buddies trying to pass you! Great fun after the ride! Worth checking out anyway!