Which rear turn signals?


I had the LP lights on my last bike and I had to keep many bulbs on hand because they kept getting wet and blowing. They are not watertight! Pieces of crap!
Just pick up a $10 integrator kit and then cut off everything that doesn't look like motorcycle in back. Why spend time and money adding something to the bike when what you are really trying to do is to remove stuff to clean it up?
Which integrator kit are you referring to with respect to the rear turn signals? My integrator kits consist of a Dremel at 30k rpms.
Quit getting ripped off! I insist. Take a $10 bill down to your local discount auto parts store and buy a universal trailer wire converter for putting a trailer behind a Japanese car. They work cool. I do them for friends all the time because I hate all that extra "stuff" sticking out everywhere.
Cleaning up my rear end (had some GI distress). Actually, trimmed the fender and want to put on some short stalk turn signals or even flush mounts. Which ones are people using? 2 filament or 3? Thanks for any tips.
I am using the stock ones. You can shorten the stalks by taking the light apart and cutting the stalk down. I don't like the LP lights. I found them very unreliable due to bulbs blowing. Maybe it was just mine??

I shortened my rear fender by 5". Fixed it like Martins.
Thanks for the heads up about LP I was ready to order them but wanted opinions. I see how I can shorten the stalk but do you sacrifice flexing ability to prevent blown bulbs?
I have the LP carbon look with clear lens they look pretty trick.Blew a bulb the first day they sent me another one and an extra free, haven't blown another one since.