Which seat is most comfortable??????


who has an opinion

dude-not to be d**k, but do a search on here or look under Mods forum...this subject has been done many times over. take a peek
I have a stock, a gel, and a Tobin. For softness, go with a gel. For sitting "in" the bike, go with a Tobin.
I did not care for the stock seat...
Not bad, but not comfortable either...
As for the Suzuki Gel seat, I like it, it's comfortable...
But the new <span style='color:blue'>Tobin</span> should be here today or tomorrow...
So we will see which is best in a coupla weeks...


Okay, after a few weeks of using the new Tobin, I can now say from experience...
The OEM sux...
The OEM Gel Sux a little less...
The Tobin is a little slice of Heaven...
The most comfortable seat on a Sportbike I have ever had the pleasure of owning...
Without a doubt, the Tobin is the way to go...

It all depends on who's ASS you ask
<seriously>  Everyone's ass is different therefore people are going to have different responses.  I have had all 3 (stock, tobin and gel) and for me the gel is the most comfortable.  I did a 1300 mile road trip with the Tobin and it freaking killed me.  For others with a different ass the Tobin might be the most comfortable.  Other factors such as footpegs and handlebar height will play a factor in what the ass feels aside from just the seat.  My 2 cents.

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I have a Tobin and Corbin seat. The Tobin is comfortable but for long touring, I would have to say that the Corbin can't be beat.
i prefer tobin over gel seat. friends have switched from corbin to tobin.
but find some peeps w/ each & try it. everyone is different
I have tried all three also, although not the Corbin on this bike (50K + on previous bikes on Corbins)

Stock with Second Look- actually not bad.


Gel did work good, put about 10,000 on it, but is true it gets hot. Really weird. Not sure why.


Settled on Tobin, like the custom aspect of it, and like mentioned- you now sit IN the bike, rather than ON the bike. Done 600 mile day on it, 'bout 20K+ of riding on it thus far.


I got a Tobin a month and a half ago and tried it for a while and didn't really care for it. I tried it on my girlfriends Busa which has Heli-Bars and a 1 1/4 Genmar Riser on it, and it felt great with the extra height from the risers. So this week I ordered some 1 1/4 Reapers to go with my Heli's and put the Tobin back on mine and rode it today about 100 miles and it feals great. I'm 5'6 to 5'7 so it must be the length of my arms that make a difference in the way the seat fits my butt  
So it's the whole package setup to fit the individuals body type that tells what seat works the best. In my opinion anyway.
gel for long distances, 300+ rides.

tobin all else.
I rode my Busa about 3,000 miles with a gel seat and then got a Tobin. I like it a LOT better, but I have HeliBars, a riser and lowered pegs. That might have something to do with the fact that I like the Tobin better for everything - short trips or long.

Tobin, Corbin, Gel, it doesn't matter.  All of those seats are inferior for long distance comfort.  I have a seat that is heads over heals better.  You can't go wrong.  Your tush will thank you.  


