Which stands to get ?


Which stands work best for a lowered busa? Something that will hold for prolonged use and will not crack or break.
<a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Suzuki-gsxr600-gsxr1000-hayabusa-sv650-motorcyle-stands_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ10066QQ
ihZ001QQitemZ110086181304QQtcZphoto" target="_blank">T-rex stands are about the best bang for the buck.</a> I've had mine for about amonth and love them. Very sturdy and stable.

The suzuki race stand works well for stock height, I'm not sure how it would work on a lowered bike.

Also, look into pitbulls, they are pretty much top notch. My front stand is by pitbull

You can find less expensive stands and also some very crappy ones...but these are some of the BEST Pit Bull
I do like the Pit Bull stand but I hear the front atand is a PITA on lowered bikes. Ahy one have the Redline stands?
(nxvette01 @ Feb. 03 2007,14:55) I do like the Pit Bull stand but I hear the front atand is a PITA on lowered bikes. Ahy one have the Redline stands?
That is ONLY with the one that uses the pin that fits into the triple tree...there standard "Forklift" model
like in the pic above is one of the easiest stands to use.
Unless you run a stem type front stand, it won't matter that your ride is lowered, the height of your fork bases and swingarm spools remains the same.
the stands will fit the same, unless you are going with a stem front stand,
the lowered bikes have the same distance from the axle to the ground.
the stem stands from what i understand will not work with a lowered bike
for the rear.

A little pricey, but well worth it.

Pitbulls for the front, I suppose.

What ever you choose get a stand that can switch between spools and the flat side for extended bikes.
I bought my stands from thruster motorcycle stands. You may have seen them on ebay and were only $99 plus $20 for shipping!!. I was afraid that it was going to be a you get what you pay for set of stands but they are awesome! I have used them on both my busa at stock height and kawiboy11's busa that has been lowered almost 2 inches and have not had a problem what so ever. The front stand is especially nice because it cups the front forks in a v-style clamp to keep the forks from slipping off and the rear stand accepts both spools and will lift right off the swingarm. Best bang for the buck that I have found!! I just went to ebay and found out that he has since raised the price on the stands but are still a hell of a deal!

<a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/THRUSTER-MOTORCYCLE-STANDS-FRONT-REAR-SET-BLACK_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34284QQihZ005QQ

itemZ150086367357QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW" target="_blank">http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymot....meZWDVW</a>

sorry guys the link does not work, just go to ebay and type in THRUSTER STANDS into the search column and it will take you right to it.
I just ordered the redline stands. waiting to recieive them. I will let you guys know how they work.
(Wag @ Feb. 03 2007,16:13) for the rear.  

A little pricey, but well worth it.

Pitbulls for the front, I suppose.

Who's the HOT model