Who has a fat tire out back?


I was looking at a kit in a magazine the other day and I am very interested. But I was wondering how you guys liked them or why you disliked them
I thought about one but after some research you will find that they are only good for one thing, posing.... Not that posing a custom busa is a bad thing if thats what your into but for the majority I would venture to say we all like the everyday riding ability of the bike without the 240 kit.
just my two cents.....
...the wider the tyre... the worse it gets in the leans!!!

But, if your intention is to make your busa a poser... well then it will look dayaum HOT IMO
I don't think you can find a Z rated tire that size , so speed is out . Looks good though
Im looking to put a 240 kit on mine, it does take away from the curves some, but I got a 3 friends that have them and ride anywhere, including the dragon, but they take it easy. But for around town or interstates there great. Thats all I do if I want to hit the major curve scenes then I ll get a gsxr 1000...laters bro