Who has fallen down.

hehehe... I haven't ... but I've watched "him"'s crash many times...

lol.. no offense him... that was just a picture perfect

"what not to do at the strip" video.
I have it was pretty much to much throttle to fast bike went up into the air past 12 and i bailed and bike fell to it's side and skided to the 330 mark granted my best 60' ever a 1.45 Bike was stock wheel base
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'></span><span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'></span><span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'></span> I did the over backwards trick too. caught the first wheelie, but when it came down i was back on the gas and it bounced. i didnt even relize it was back up until it was to late. (at night on a poorly light track)
god you know that guy still get ribbed over that manuever..

"hey markie...... so uh... any christmas tree's run out in front of you lately?"
My buddy slipped and went down during burn-out at the track. He said his rt foot slid to the right and the bike just fell over as he did a split!
Woah.. what the hell happened??.?
Was that just from that mini-wheelie? No way....
Was there something wrong with the bike? suspension or something?
To add insult to injury it looked like he red lighted also. A word about steering stabilizers, disconnect one end and check it to see if it is still working. I have a Hayabusa side car rig and had the stock stabilizer go out on it. Side car with sport bike rake and trail will get into an uncontrollable wobble without it. Now have in front of tank Olins that works good. There was no oil leaks in it it just plain quit working all at once. Good stabilizer might have helped him regain control by lessening the side to side wobble. Many times it is the little things that will bite you. Just my 2 cents worth.