scorpio alarm deal was crazy like 318 shipped with all the bells and wistles . factory connectors , perimiter sensor , anti hijack the alarm is sweeeeet ! it will page you when it goes off time stamp for any warnings and the pager is good for like a mile or somthin , just a crazy alarm for a great price ! i had priced it at a bike show and the special was like 375 cash ,factory harness extra#$$$ anti hijack $$$$$$$$ perimiter $$$$$$$$
the 8000k kit for high and low beam i think it was 207 $ for both shipped including paypal fees i ordered mine the night it ended at 1145 pm the guy was realy nice , i even gave him the wrong high beam info so he emailed me to check , it was in JFK the next day and on my door step 2 days later i broke down and bought when i found out he would split kits, the price for the 4300k kit was like 146 $ for the high and low , ks waterbug is the man !