Who really runs the government?


This is way too long for most people... however, the subject matter is a compelling look from the inside.
Tulsi is now under surviellance with a TSA program. She is now considered a terrorist and has Federal agents, Air Marshalls and bomb sniffing dogs that are following her around.


What Do You Want Crying GIF
If Trump wins in November, will you still believe this?
We know who currently runs it, mostly. Neither Joe or Kamala. It’s no secret or mystery.

If Trump wins, himself and his cabinet will run the country, and if his cabinet executives question him, they will probably be fired.

Lol quite a list doesn’t endorse your positive statement at all.
What surprises me the most is you’re ok with Trump running this country somewhat unleashed.
Lol quite a list doesn’t endorse your positive statement at all.
What surprises me the most is you’re ok with Trump running this country somewhat unleashed.
Considering the options we have yes and no.

I’m sure you are smart enough to know that one man cannot run this country unleashed, our constitution prevents that.

You really think Biden is currently running our country?

You going to change your mind and go and vote now? For Kamala?

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Lol quite a list doesn’t endorse your positive statement at all.
Sometimes, you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer....

Take a guess who made sure Biden withdraws as a candidate. You think you may see their names in my list? You think someone who does not have a major say in how the government is run, has the power to do that?

I know the exact person, and how it was done. Do you?
Kamala Harris Vp GIF by GIPHY News
Wutta crock of shiiite!
So smart guy, how do you think a president should run the country?

Let me give you a hint: By managing his cabinet, of 15 executives, to make sure they go and do their job. Supposed to do that bi-weekly.

Biden's last cabinet meeting was October 2nd, 2023.

So if what I have posted is a crock of shiiiite, please help us understand who is running the country?

Read the last paragraph:

Here, I will even help you with a copy and paste .........

"The President of the United States delegates much work to the Cabinet. Each Cabinet member is the head of an executive department of the government. The President meets with his/her Cabinet frequently to hear their reports and their suggestions. Usually, they meet together once a week or every other week. They meet in the Cabinet Room next to the President's Oval Office in the White House West Wing. This room faces the Rose Garden and is a beautiful room furnished with draperies, chandeliers, and leather chairs."

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