Why do those blabusas folks come here?



Jealous. Ignore them folks, don't buy into their crap. And don't reply to their ridiculous posts, they're just trying to stir bullshit.
I'm also a member of the LABUSAS board,its like anything else,you get out of it what you put in,there are some great guys over there.
I was here long before you ever were. The fact that you quickly wore out your welcome at LA Busas is only reinforced by this topic. You were driven off of there because of your attitude.

I like Hayabusa.org. There is good technical content here. I was also here before it was "cleaned up" and it was very much like the current LA Busas.

You seemingly would like to drive a wedge between the two sites yet you were posting there only a few days ago. Hypocrite is in the dictionary, look it up.

LA Busas is entertaining and informative. Yes, there is some porn there. But some of you make it seem that every post contains nothing more than that. Sure there are flame wars, but you have them just the same here. Only you need to be creative to get around the censoring software.

There are some real benefits to the imaging features at [LAB]. You can create links simply by typing them in. You can post images by adding

So this high and mighty "our site is cleaner than yours is", is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Just remember a good deal of those regular posters on LaBusas are also some of the founding members of .org and contributed much to the initial popularity of this site too. Go back over a year on this board and check the names.
Its KINDa Like this.....if Sane, Articulate, and Friendly Folks turn to Psyops to stir communication, then I Could care less who they are & what they do or did -- playing games with folks & stirring it up leads typically to WARFARE. Lets not be Scandalous
with Petty & Trivial Slobberers. Wipe the Mouth & be a HUMAN.

"Source: Decency 101"

maui, perhaps I should re-clarify what I meant, and, I don't believe it means jack crap how long one has "been here"

What I meant was why do certain labusas folks come over here to start **** ?

and tell me who is trying to drive a wedge between the boards...
Nobody on this board seems to have a problem with my attitude---guess I'm too "stuffy" for blabusas?

quote from a very well respected labusas member's email to me who wishes to remain anonymous---won't come out too good but you'll get the drift;

" Just figured I'd contact you
back. I
think Dirty Pete is a queer sugar too, honestly, but don't
quote me on
that. He's a **** -head, don't worry about him, he can go ****
himself. And
I'm not alone. A lot of people think he's a ****head, including
the BAA's.
He is. **** him. Don't worry about it."

Go figure.

[This message has been edited by 'lantabusa (edited 31 July 2000).]
I am a member of both sites.... I get my technical stuff from this one... Not too sure what I get from the other one... They do have some funny posts and you gotta laugh at some of the flames.

If I get flamed, I laugh it off or do not answer it back. Makes it easier to deal with. Why should I let people who I really do not know and will never meet piss me off!
'lantabusa, to answer your question, labusas folk come here to heap contempt upon other riders - I am referring to some of DP's posts on a recent thread - because they figure they are better riders/more hard core.

To summarize, if you aren't flogging your Busa, or not riding it to the edge of the tire, or you ever have an accident, then you are not meeting the labusa's standard, aren't a hard-core rider, and therefore deserve the contempt of better riders.

But what those guys haven't considered is the simple fact that an average (ho hum) professional racer is going to smoke the majority (if not all?) of labusas riders. And yet those racers aren't posting and letting us know how bad we ride, because they have no need to tell us how good they are - they already know. Does Carl Fogarty have to tell the world that he is a better rider than I? I think not.

It is the same thing in other sports. You have your local scratch shooting golf hero, who can smoke everyone in town and thinks he is great. Then one day he joins some low level tour, shoots an 85 trying to qualify, gets smoked by the competition and realizes that there are lots of players out there much better than he.