Wife lost a $40,000/year job

Don Hardcastle

Busa Ridin' Sailor (ret)
Donating Member
4 months before my retirement. The HR director came in and said that she was doing a great job no complaints at all. Corporate downsizing was occuring because of company profit margin. She was a regional executive marketing director for the the 4th largest real estate company in the country. Kind of a shock to us. Totally blinded sided her. We will figure it out. Fortunately we started financially downsizing a year ago in preps for my retirement. Have to eat some hotdogs and ramon noodles LOLOL JK, but it will all be fine.

That sucks man. How close was she to retirement? Company's tend to through that downsizing line out when somebody gets close to retirement.

Hope everything works out for you.
AAARRRGGGHHH!!! I hope you still get to go to Eureka Springs. I have been looking forward to meeting the other Don of .org.
That sucks man, Good luck and I will keep you guys in my thoughts
She had only worked there for 7 months. so she will drawing unemployment for a while.

Don, as far as eureka springs, I live here. well 45 min by car and 22 by Busa and since I am the ride captain and planned the route and the ffod gets stored in my freezer, I will be there. Been looking forward to meeting you and the others I haven't met as well as seeing friends that I haven't seen since the last one.

That blows...no loyalty to employees anymore frickin bottom line, my prayes for you both, go retire on a beach and drink Coors Light

Sorry to hear Don. Real estate will pick back up in the fall after elections. Stay strong. Glad to see you are still coming to Eureka, I really want to meet you. How is the nipple ring working for you?
Sorry to hear it, Don. As noted, real estate should recover soon and perhaps she'll find something even better. Hope to see you in Eureka Springs soon.
hate to hear this...what i don't get is why companies are so surprised at the lack of employee loyalty when they are doing stuff like this to us constantly
Sorry to hear Don. Real estate will pick back up in the fall after elections. Stay strong. Glad to see you are still coming to Eureka, I really want to meet you. How is the nipple ring working for you?  
That does suck and I'm sorry for your wife and you, but this is just the beginning. This is going to be happening alot more from now on.

Oh, and the real estate market has been over inflated for the last ten years, and WON'T be recovering anytime soon.

How are these corporate big wigs (who are getting laid off) going to pay the $4000/month mortgages??

This is going to suck, bad.
my dad got "downsized" a few years ago from Indiana Ins. when he was spitting distance from retirement. He knew exactly to the day how many days he had left. Now he works for Orkin killing bugs.
Sorry to hear about the wife. I almost know the feeling. Our company was just bought out. new owners walked in and gave 40 people two months notice. This is one third of the workforce. Does not affect me personally but these are people I have worked with for 20 years. Some have 25 and 30 years with us. You can almost understand someone going postal.
She had only worked there for 7 months. so she will drawing unemployment for a while.

Don, as far as eureka springs, I live here. well 45 min by car and 22 by Busa and since I am the ride captain and planned the route and the ffod gets stored in my freezer, I will be there.  Been looking forward to meeting you and the others I haven't met as well as seeing friends that I haven't seen since the last one.

sorry to hear about that don.  You guys will make it work  
it's stuff like that, that has be scared to retire.
I believe the days of working 25 to 35 years for the same company and retiring are gone. I work in the electric utility industry and can climb poles if I had to, but I would have to travel again. I like being home every night with my family. I will work where I am at for as long as I can, its my home and where I want to be, plus I thoroughly enjoy my job. But I can see how someone could take an offer to work for another company and move around. The bad thing is, companies do not see why employee loyalty is down. I see people all the time that walk around hating their jobs, "I dont want to be here". "I hate coming here", etc, then leave, life is too short to work for years at a job you hate. I wonder if the utlitily that serves Deals Gap is hiring?