Will 05 clutch fit an 01?

Yes, there are a couple parts that are different, but a complete assembly will drop in. The 05 has a cushion at the rear most plate requiring the cushion itself and a different plate.
<a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/SUZUKI-GSX1300R-GSX-1300-GSX1300-HAYABUSA-CLUTCH-BASKET_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35595QQ
ihZ009QQitemZ190086909446QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW" target="_blank">Link</a>

So this will work?
Yes, but does your basket need to be replaced. You can buy the normal wear and update parts new for around $200 shipped..... or less.
Doesn't sound too bad if it is in the shape he claims. You might end up with a few parts you can sell and get a bit of your money back.
Good. I bought it last night!
When it comes time to replace the clutch plates, I guess I'll need to order them for an 05?
Thanks for your help!