Never Forgotten
I had and interesting day today. Went on a group ride 370 klm's round trip saw 4 offs during the day none of ours but the first was a rider that sometimes rides with us we came across his little off 20 mins into our ride. He is ok and his pillion suffered some gravel rash. now this guy is in his early 40's going out with a 19 yo he can ride better than most riders I know but lets his skills get the better of him as this is the 4th YES 4th off in 18 months and the 2nd with her on the back. This guy must have a guardian angel that follows him as he has only been receiving minor injuries.We all think he should give the bikes away before his luck runs out but he will no doubt be back on it as soon as he can. All his bikes have been the latest GSXR 1000's