Will this lift a Busa


Can I use this jack on a Hayabusa? I know others have used harbor freight lifts but I didn't find any thing on this lift?
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I have tried 2 different chassis (frame) lifts from HF and neither work on the busa as sold..

too much stuff under the bike.. need some kind of stand offs on the ones I tried to clear the pipes and oil pan (and this is only after the body work is off)
I have tried 2 different chassis (frame) lifts from HF and neither work on the busa as sold..

too much stuff under the bike.. need some kind of stand offs on the ones I tried to clear the pipes and oil pan (and this is only after the body work is off)

On gen2 the manual tells you to lift by the exhaust, don't know on gen 1 provided either has the factory exhaust or is stock height. Works on mine I use that lift in my shop and haven't found a bike yet I could not lift. And yes take the body work off and you may need a block of wood to level it out I don't remember.
I have tried 2 different chassis (frame) lifts from HF and neither work on the busa as sold..

too much stuff under the bike.. need some kind of stand offs on the ones I tried to clear the pipes and oil pan (and this is only after the body work is off)

My experience too, although not with HF.
Too much going on down below, I would have to have built something to fit any jack I looked at.
I gave in and made 2 rope hoists with small block and tackle pulleys (1000 pounds lift each) and just hoist her up in the garage rafters.
Feels safer that way to me too.
They were only $12 each too.

I use a similar tranny jack with a foot pump, just make sure you secure it with straps.
My experience too, although not with HF.
Too much going on down below, I would have to have built something to fit any jack I looked at.
I gave in and made 2 rope hoists with small block and tackle pulleys (1000 pounds lift each) and just hoist her up in the garage rafters.
Feels safer that way to me too.
They were only $12 each too.

I would luv to do that but I live in an apartment so I can't :(
They may tell you to lift by the exhaust, but I never would. Get a swingarm stand and a fork stand and you"ll be much happier.

I used to use a stand sort of like that for my Harley, but there is nothing under the frame to hit. The swingarm stand seems much more stable to me.
To lift the whole bike or front or rear take off lower plastic roll jack under between the oil pan and the swing arm you may need to stand the bike up to roll the jack under stand bike up if not already and start jacking it up.Find the balance point to lift the whole bike or slightly forward or back for front or rear. Have straps pre attached and when it is lifted to the desired height pull the straps taught and pump the jack a pump or two to tighten the straps. You may want a helper the first time or two after you get the hang of it it is easy. If you need to you can shim between the jack and the bottom of the bike with wood blocks say if one side of the jack hits first ect.