Willie Mays R.I.P.

I just heard that he died earlier today. He was 93. I saw him play. He could do it all.

RIP Say Hey Kid. He played during a great time in baseball, and he was arguably the best. I saw where Jerry West died recently as well. I grew up a huge Lakers fan; he was something special.
Athletically I don’t think nor can I think of anyone who was ever as good all around as him. Some were better at one or two things. But he was great at everything.

Yep, a dozen Golden Gloves, 660 homers, 1,903 RBIs, 338 stolen bases and 3,283 hits in almost 3,000 games in over 20 years and nearly 11,000 times at bat. Every managers dream player.

Here in the San Francisco area we’re all in mourning.
The mayor of SF said it best - “here in San Francisco you can count on three things. It’s always foggy in summer, cable cars really do climb half way to the stars, and Willie Mays was the best there ever was”.
He’ll always be a Giant in SF. Heck they erected a statue of him at the entrance to Oracle Park some years ago

